Re: If I got anything to say, I'll say it with lead Comedy Central clips


Resolved: This house believes Stephen Colbert is actually funnier than Jon Stewart.

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It's really a different kind of humor. Stephen Colbert plays a character to be funny (mocking himself, essentially), and Jon Stewart mocks others. I think the straighforward style works better in a "newsy" type of show, but Colbert is funnier in the more sketch-oriented stuff.

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In somewhat-related news, you can now buy a Multipass for The Daily Show and The Colbert Report on iTunes. It's $10 for 16 episodes but's not RealPlayer! (and for some reason WMP refuses to work correctly on my Powerbook)

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for some reason WMP refuses to work correctly on my Powerbook

It's the W part, I suspect.

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Hey, itunes stopped opening on my computer. You click on it and nothing happens. I tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it, and it didn't help. Does anyone know why?

I could just use RealPlayer, which still works, from now on, but I can't figure out how to import a folder of music, rather than an individual file, which would mean a lot of irritating file by file copying into my RealPlayer library.

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apostropher is the hero.

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I've seen people claim that Colbert has now been on long enough that the novelty has worn off, and we can now make an unbisased comparison. I find this view to be utterly bizarre:

Stewart has been doing this since 1999 now, Colbert's been solo since mid-October, less than six months. People are too hasty to compare.

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I'm glad it's not just me. My wife and I have been cracking each other up with Filliam H. Muffman for about a week now.


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What kind of computer are you using, Tia?

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a pc.

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Colbert (aka "Ted Hitler")was funnier than Stewart on the Daily Show, but the Daily Show is much, much better than the Colbert Report.

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Can you launch Quicktime?

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Hm, I'll have to wait till I get home to answer that diagnostic question. I think the answer is no. But I appreciate the help.

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There is disturbing genius in Colbert's playing "Stephen Colbert", whom he clearly loathes, with such glee and zeal.

Stewart is tremendously likable, and the only really smart liberal newsman working today. But

(a) the times call for layers of satire beyond likability; Colbert has 'em;

(b) there's too much on the Daily Show that is not Stewart, and it is often teh lame.

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How about this guy?

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