Re: Fundraising Call


It's easy for me to say, since I really can't afford more than a token contribution, but I think this is probably a very good place to contribute. I've had about every last ounce of non-partisanship beaten out of me by the last few years.

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Or, you could consider sending money to Emily's List, which is backing a very big group of women candidates this year. They concentrate on winnable districts with a goal of tilting the balance of Congress, they only support pro-choice women Democratic candidates, and they really do tend to create winners.

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Well, I guess my views would not be helpful here. As a believer in federalism, I would say that participation in local politics is a good thing.

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2: Emily's List is certainly great, and deserves donations from everyone pro-choice -- it's the national push on state races, on the other hand, that struck me as possibly very effective about this.

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4: I agree; I wasn't trying to undermine the link, just it made me think about E's list.

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I got the same solicitation, and perceived the same DLC link, and so I saved my money for a candidate, Like marcy Winograd, whose running against Jane Harman in the CA 36. If they're not DLC linked, I'll apologize and send them some love later.

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Why should we personally be sending money to Democratic candidates? Can't the pharmaceutical industry cover most of the tab?

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If they're not DLC linked, I'll apologize and send them some love later.

They absolutely are -- I heard the acronym, and asked the phone solicitor if there was a connection, and he said that the DLCC is an arm of the DLC. So if you're committed to not contributing to the DLC, which is a position I can sympathize with, despite not being quite all the way there myself, don't give money here.

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