Re: Sweeping the Clouds Away


You forgot to add, "Chopper is a big ol' wuss."

But, long live Sesame Street.

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the very best _______

Could it be … HUMAN FLESH?

Could that be any more adorable?

I know! You could eat him right up.

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This reminds me of Mad Libs.

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Having read the first five sentences of the second paragraph, I expect it to end with a melon.

Yeah, I fucking violated community norms. Eat it, Labs! Note also the relevance to this.

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long live Sesame Street.

Short live Elmo, the little bastard.

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AAARGGH spam-filtered and malicious comment-blocked and now the joke is weiner-pwned and it wasn't that funny anyway (it referred to the Monty Python book, if you must know, and tied "where he sold contraceptives" to Becks' recent post on that subject) I quit will read the rest of the post now.

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Aww. See, I miss actually seeing other people on the sidewalk when you walk from point A to point B.

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Short live Elmo, the little bastard.

I know! Usurper! Wtf happened to Grover is what I want to know. Bound and gagged and suspended inside Elmo's trash chute, sustained with bug carcasses Elmo collects from his window sill is what.

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Grover is still a regular feature. He has his own slot, as the world traveler, and also turns up all the time on the "street" portion, at the top of the show.

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We seem to live in the same 'hood.

Community is nice, but sometimes I could do with less of it. A couple of weeks ago I was sick and had to miss my shift at the Park Slope Food Co-op. When I called in, my squad leader goes, all judgmental-like, "Well, when did you realize that you were sick?"

I mean, bosses don't even ask that. I said, "When I woke up half an hour ago."

Gah. There's something to be said for the impersonal quality of Key Foods.

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Are there muppets on your street? And monsters? Because if so, I am so there.

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I am guessing "___________" = "sex toys". (Except the second instance is "sex toy shoppe" and the third "sex toy".)

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Or "dildos": that might scan better.

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A sex shoppe whose owner encourages neighborhood kids to hang out?


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I'm guessing not sex toys. Asking about sex toys in a food coop makes no sense. It'd be like enquiring for a philosophy library in a pet shop.

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When I went into the deli across the street from me to buy my coffee this morning, the guy behind the counter told me he "rode the L train last night," adding that he did not mean the one to Canarsie.

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This post shows one of the many reasons why New York is such a great place to live, notwithstanding its notable drawbacks. Not that you couldn't have told this story in some other city, but it is classic New York.

Last year I moved out of the City. Even though my house is less than 2 miles from the city limits, you probably would not hear this story in my town.

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Hey IdeaList, we were staying in your town Wednesday night, at the hotel called "The Inn at [insert name of your town here]", between Seders (Weds night at cousins', Thurs night at in-laws'). Had I thought of it I would have e-mailed you to see if you wanted to get a drink.

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Had I thought of it I would have e-mailed you to see if you wanted to get a drink.

Let me know next time you are out our way. And of course, any time you want Mexican food.

New York members of the Unfogged Commentariat should know that TMK knows how to find that rarest of commodities, good Mexican food in New York City.

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Had I thought of it I would have e-mailed you to see if you wanted to get a drink.

Let me know next time you are out our way. And of course, any time you want Mexican food.

New York members of the Unfogged Commentariat should know that TMK knows how to find that rarest of commodities, good Mexican food in New York City.

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You forgot to add, "Chopper is a big ol' wuss."

Big, anyway.

Tia, your neighborhood sounds great. I, being hugely uncomfortable interacting with strangers, would hate it. I realize this makes me a bit of a sad sack, but that's the way it is.

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8: Don't try to cover up the truth with your pseudofacts.

Actually, do you know what was unintentionally great about my comment seven? Since Elmo talks about himself in the third person, you can read the last sentence as Elmo answering the question. I recommend imagining those words in an Elmo voice. It's good for minutes of amusement.

10: If you'd read the archives, Saheli, you'd know that I'm covered with an inch thick layer of blue fur. Hmph.

15: What does that mean?

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Park Slope really is like that. And long has been. (I always sort of figured that "Sesame Street" was modeled on Park Slope.) Right before New Year's Eve 1982 I was wheeling three cases of wine and liquor back to my apartment for a party my roommates and I were throwing when I passed the place where I normally left my laundry. The Chinese guy (Chinese-American, actually) who ran the place shouted out something like, "Lex, I know it's a tough world, but I don't think drinking is the answer!" Now THAT's community.

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Okay, TMK, I'm intrigued. I'm going to NYC this weekend and I want to try this great Mexican you rave over. Will you send me an e-mail?

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21- I thought it was sexual in nature, but don't really know.

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21: I'm so glad we have commenters who are willing to admit they don't know everything. Otherwise, I might have spent the whole day trying to figure out that "L train" crack, assuming that everyone else understood.

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He's just flown in from Chicago, and boy are his arms tired?

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On, L trip, L ride, and L simpliciter are all defined as something to do with pot. But I'd guess it refers to sex. That's the lowest common divisor (insert link to a comment that can eventually be found by searching the site for "lowest common denominator").

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22 -- "Sesame Street" is in fact modeled on Hell's Kitchen.

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On the Sesame Street front -- Cyberchase is a PBS math cartoon (with Christopher Lloyd as the villian!) which closes with a short live-action math-related section. Today's was a goofy guy budgeting for a date, and his apartment was distinctively an apartment from my neighborhood (sunken living room set off by wrought-iron railing). I turned to Buck, and said "Hey, that's an Inwood apartment" just as the scene changed, placing them in a (real, identified by name) nice local restaurant. Oddly fun, being in the Cyberchase neighborhood.

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Hey cool trivia fact about Hell's Kitchen -- did you guys know the neighborhood is named after a restaurant where the longshoremen ate back when the neighborhood was primarily dock workers? It was owned by a Dutch immigrant by the name of Hell.

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