Re: Military Blogging


It isn't so much that the reports are useless to start with, as that the people actually flying in it are not listened to and believed, wherever the reports originate. An old, old story, see Hotspur's speech in Henry IV, but always infuriating anew. This is why commanders need to make unannounced visits, talk to soldiers whom they encounter and go back and find out why what he, the commander wants — in this case the best weather information getting through to those who most need it — isn't happening, and hold somebody responsible.

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It occurs to me that, given how many good commanders have made a point of going where the soldiers are, and taking questions, often in a way that minimized retaliation, like the commander standing on the hood of a jeep with enlisted men crowded around, then clearly repeating the question so that all could hear, blog commenting on these gripe blogs might be a very good thing for a commander to do. First, he'd be showing he cared, and was listening to opinions, and second, he'd be impressing his own personality on the soldier readers, a vital task.

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