Re: Tom Tomorrow's Take On The NSA Program


Mine! A comment thread all for myself!

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Not quite! Thanks to the magic of EEST.

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I love Dan as a cartoonist. As an analyst beyond that, not so much.

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I find that he's peerless at summing up exactly what's bothering me, personally about a situation in a cartoon form. This isn't necessarily evidence of brilliant analysis, but I do find his cartoons very satisfying to read.

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Did you mean that he's peerless at summing up in cartoon form exactly what's bothering you, personally, or are you instead somehow particularly bothered by things that are in cartoon form?

Edit on preview: whoa... where did that come from? Who am I -- Wolfson? I must be in a wretched mood. I'm going to get some coffee and in a few minutes I'll come back an apologize for being such an ass.

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No, no, quite all right. I have a comma problem; I tend to over-comma everything, and as a reaction I occasionally lose commas from where I need them. Without nitpicking other people's typos and grammatical errors, this place would grind to a halt.

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Sorry for being such an ass.

Incidentally, the sentence in question (once reworded) gets it exactly right. Tom Tomorrow is great.

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Urple is banned!

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Also: ...this place would grind to a halt is just begging for a joke, given recent events. I left it alone because I'm genuinely concerned about the server difficultues of late; it's not polite to poke fun at the dying.

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Oh, man. I hate this, because I'm so useless in doing anything about fixing it. All the heavy lifting is being done by Becks and Ben.

The amount of effort it takes not to send endless emails: "Is it fixed yet? How about now? How come it keeps breaking? Now is it fixed? WHat about now?" is huge.

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the magic of EEST.

Eastern Extreme Standard Time?

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blog + spirits = extreme commenting

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More like Extreme Extreme Standard Time. On the subject of car-toons and -toonists I'd like to pimp Tim Kreider's Pain.

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And there's always Get your War On.

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