Re: Next Week in the Times: Sociological Examination of the Curiously Sexually Charged Nurses at Mt. Sinai Hospital


Is that why Ogged always swings me around his head like that? I thought it was some weird Persian custom.

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Are we supposed to believe you have a girlfriend, Labs?

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Good christ in a teacup.

I don't even know what to say about this. I'm glad they're bringing us this important phenomenon that we've never heard of, because there's nothing else the press corps should be doing with those First Amendment privileges.

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Gosh, I wonder if this is why my house has been under renovation for most of the time since I moved in. Yikes! If not a duel, I should at least demand a discount, right?

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2 -- if -gg-d's intentions in swinging Labs around are as Tia hypothesizes, it will be -gg-d that has the girlfriend and Labs that is seeking to cuckold him.

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I can't beleive you link to the article without mentioning the first photo there. I saw this first on Gawker and nearly spat out my coffee.

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believe, even.

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And with the warm weather, which marks the peak of renovation season, come the contractors in their tool belts, which, for many a client, carry a romantic charge. (Men who don’t get it might want to consider the garter belt.)

The Times shall henceforward be called, by me, Almost The Onion.

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I've said for decades that the Times is underrated as porn.

Also, I'm with the spinning.

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I can't believe I threw out the "Houses and Home" section!

(Also, good news: the judge decided in thirty seconds to excuse me from serving on the four-week murder-weapon-conspiracy trial. Phew.)

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I'm with Mike D -- and, odd choice to link the no-pictures printer-friendly version of the article. The article is really not complete without the image.

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Hmm... new Gravatar for the Clown?...

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The woman behind in the picture is clearly not the kind of homeowner referenced in the article. Who is she, household help?

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A contractor guy I know contributed the the breakup of Art Alexakis's marriage (for "Everclear", a briefly-big band). It seemed to be that if the husband was never at home, but the contractor was, the contractor just picked up all the various male functions standing empty at the time.

I had a friend who drove for UPS who said that housewives do hit on them. He eventually got tired of it, partly because they always seemed to want something kinky. He was a tall, fit, dramatic-looking guy, though.

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I get it now: Muir thinks Kant's first name is spelled Emanuelle.

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c'mon, this was the best part:

“There are plenty of young guys out there who play this to the hilt, especially in warm weather,” he said. “The Timberland boots scuffed just so; the thick white socks scrunched down ever so; the shorts frayed, the tool belt that hangs strategically. None of my guys are like that, I won’t have guys like that.”

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Hey, my wife used to be a nurse at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York. She claims she never fucked any patients, though.

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Frederick, that's Rule Two of infection control.

Rule One: don't put your fingers in your mouth.
Rule Three: wear gloves or wash your hands.

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I remember reading about a study somewhere that found all kinds of stuff hanging around on doctor's pens kept partially exposed in front pockets.

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doctor's pens

You left out an 'i' there, eb.

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Do you ever feel like you had a brilliant comment, but by the time you get done reading all the others, you can no longer remember it?

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Not all doctors use apple products.

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22 -- do you ever not feel like that?

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The first summer we were here we had the guy across the street, who was a journeyman electrician and also pretty young and pretty cute, over to put in a couple of outlets in the kitchen. It was really hot, and PK says, "Mama, it's so hot you're nipples are melting."

Journeyman neighbor sort of snickered in an embarrassed way while pretending not to have overheard, and I said that I had no idea where PK had gotten that, and didn't think I wanted to know.

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Oh crap, I misremembered the horrifying ObWi sexual assault story as being something from the horrifying NYT contractor porn story, and inadvertently ended up making fun of the woman who was raped while her kids watched tv downstairs. Please, someone, shoot me.

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If you wanted comments 25 and 26 to disappear, that could be arranged. Shall I?

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You can just edit the horrifying last line from 25 in order to spare me embarrassment. Or let me hoist myself by my own petard. either way.

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hoist myself by my own petard

I understand that can be very uncomfortable. Anyway, it's edited.

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Thanks, because I seem to have mislaid my petard.

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I hate how NYT reporters do research by asking random people "Do you think [idea I just pulled out of my ass that creates/fulfills stereotype] is on the rise?" Then they say, "[Random person] believes [idea I just pulled out of my ass that creates/fulfills stereotype] is becoming increasingly frequent!"

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See, I love that. Because it means that anyone can be a reporter for the NYT!

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