Re: Speaking of being able intelligently to discuss skin care


clearly you smile too much.

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The goop inside a Fig Newton will take care of those. Not kidding.

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I thought that crow's feet were by definition at the eye-corners.

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'tis so.

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I don't see that there's any shame in putting lotiony goop on skin that's particularly fragile. So go buy some undereye goop!

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How young are you?

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Oh, and I find that it does generally work. At least to protect your fragile undereye skin against wind and sun and pollutants--not necessarily to "repair" or whatever the labels seem to be claiming.

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I have the crow's feet as well. But I'm 34 so have an excuse.

Moisturising type things do seem to help a little (me, anyway).

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I like my crow's feet.

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Yeah, but you're the Marlboro Man, so it's okay for you.

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What kind of Scotsman rubs moisturizer on his face?

Diane Lane has totally sexy crow's feet.

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Diane Lane has totally sexy crow's feet.

Those aren't real, you know.

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Those aren't real, you know.

What did she make them with, s'mores?

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re: 11

Yeah, I was thrown out of the Caber Tosser's Guild for showing signs of metrosexuality.

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Diane Lane has totally sexy ________.

Many, many words fit that blank appropriately.

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The subtext is breasts, ogged.

How soon we forget.

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What kind of Scotsman rubs moisturizer on his face?

I believe I've read that the woad used by the Celts as face paint was mixed with semen.

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damn, 17 was me

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Agree with Apostropher--Lane is a bad exemplar, as she's ridiculously sexy.

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Woad eh? Last time I played the role, Lascivious Costume Ball, 1980, as I've recounted here before, I used ordinary blue facepaint. Just my face though. The rest of me was its natural color.

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the woad...was...semen

Baby talk ATM?

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IDP is a Maroon?

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clearly you smile too much.

Ha ha ha!

Use Dr. Haushka's eye stuff. The kind that comes in the little tub, not the tube. It's about, what, $40? a tub, and it lasts about a year. Works great.

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Use Dr. Haushka's eye stuff.

Sure, if you want to be a total gaylord. Be a real man, Ben. Use spackle.

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Gay, shmay. It works.

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I buy man-stuff from this place. Mostly for the name:

I believe they do moisturisers untainted by girl cooties.

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Aren't moisturizers pretty much the distilled essence of girl cooties?

Me, I like girl cooties.

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Me, I like girl cooties.

Me too, but I prefer a different application method than rubbing on moisturizer.

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Apo's preference is a faut de mieux, because he can never seem to get women moist.

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Most of the major cosmetic companies now make "men's lines" of stuff, precisely b/c men are such pussies about girl cooties.

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he can never seem to get women moist.

Rubbish. I use one of these.

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31: Because it's "large enough to get them through their toughest performance requirements."

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re: 30

Kidding aside, I find a lot of the girlie ones to be too heavy and greasy for my skin. I used to occasionally borrow my wife's stuff before buying my own. The guy's stuff is better for me. No question.

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True, men tend to have oilier skin.

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I was seriously about to lose my skin completely to bad birth-control-related hormone crap and the elements, and I finally found that, no matter what lotion or protectants I was using, nothing could save me excepting fairly pricey but incredibly effective facial cleanser. Just a little dot a day, and I've barely used 1/3 of the bottle in six months. No more incipient wrinkles, no more breakouts.

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Boy, BC was so good for my skin. If it hadn't been for the no sex drive problem, I would have stayed on it forever.

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OK, a completely random and possibly inappropriate offer for those coming to the NYC meetup: I couldn't tolerate the hormones in The Pill but decided to try The Ring because the hormones are lower and more localized. I couldn't tolerate that either and went off it but now, thanks to my generous health insurance, I have a 4 month supply that I got for practically free just lying around. It seems like such a waste to throw it out, especially when there are other people who aren't as well insured and have to pay through the nose for birth control. If anyone has a friend (or "friend") who might be interested, send me an email and I'll try to bring them to the meetup.

Just, um, promise not to sue my ass if something goes wrong and you get pregnant. (Which you shouldn't, as I've taken care of them in the same way I would have for myself.)

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Burt's Bees makes an all-natural moisturizer that is light and unscented (and not even chemical-smelling.)

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Speaking of the meetup, we never did settle on a place or time. Any more thoughts?

(Location is no longer such an issue for me since my transportation is largely sorted out.)

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Oh. What I forgot to say earlier. You're 23, so chances are you're not turned into the Cryptkeeper. You are travelling a lot, though, so you might be dehydrated, which would affect your skin.

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I'm 24!

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re: 41

It's all down hill from 23.

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That is false. Also, hi, McGrattan. I've been hanging out with a bunch of Oxford kids here in London, and they're astonishingly smart. I think I'll move here.

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re: 43

Yes, the good ones are teh badass.

Glad you are enjoying London. It's too hot, though.

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It is indeed quite hot. The tube in particular is the worst. It's quite difficult when trying to show up to work looking professional and polished, but we've managed. The problem here is that it's just as hot as Chicago, but with no air conditioning. I had to do a 30-minute walk to the foreign office yesterday at a blustering pace, in a suit, and it was quite unpleasant. On the other hand, it doesn't seem to be dampening my enjoyment any. And I better get used to it, because it seems as though it's quite hot in Berlin as well.

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London is a great city.

I hated it for years and even though Oxford is only 1hr away, I only learned to like it fairly recently. Now, I enjoy getting down there whenever I get the chance.

Btw, if you are at a loss for something to do one evening, before you to to Berlin, check out the Globe aka Shakespeare's Globe.

Groundling tickets are 5 quid and the best way to see it. You can lean up against the stage and everything.

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Yeah, actually I saw in the Metro this morning that they are showing Comedy of Errors at the Globe now, which isn't my favorite or a particularly good Shakespeare play, but I did perform in it in High School so I am pretty familiar with it, which leads to enjoyment. I proposed the idea to my flatmate who is lame and against both Shakespeare and being outside, so I think I will go alone sometime next week.

We had a pretty cool tour of the Globe when I visited London when I was 17, but they weren't showing anything at the time, so I want to make up for that.

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My experience of plays at the Globe is that they are a very different kind of experience from anywhere else. It's all much more immediate when the actors are literally within touching distance and they -- the various Masters of Play and Masters of Verse -- seem to have a real talent for staging and for the language. It's a shame that Mark Rylance has left though.

Antony and Cleopatra, Corialanus and Titus Andronicus are also all on at the moment.

It's a nice part of town too. Tate Modern is usually worth a look.

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I am jealous of Silvana. I didn't know that summer associates got to go abroad.

I would move to Europe in a second if it weren't for those pesky work permit requirements.

I know I'm asking for trouble by going after Wolfson on a language question, but here goes. I admire your desire to avoid a split infinitive, but don't you think that "being able intelligently to discuss skincare" is a bit awkward. You could avoid the split infinitive and render the phrase a bit more elegantly by placing the adverb after the infinitive: "Speaking of being able to discuss skincare intelligently."

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It is a bit awkward, bg, but as we know, I like it that way.

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I think you should start drinking your own urine, first thing every morning.

This is my advice for more or less any problem; it always surprises me how many people a) take it and b) continue to ask my advice long after it ought to have become apparent that I am going to give this advice more or less no matter what the subject.

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But I don't want a brighter smile.

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51: This is what comes of living in London. Silvana be warned. Great place to visit, but after a bit...

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This is my advice for more or less any problem

Dsquared, do you have any advice on how to value the "high water mark" fee structure for a hedge fund?

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49: They don't, usually; I am in a pretty unique (and awesome) position.

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Somehow just knowing that you're there and it's hot reminds me vividly of the summer I spent in London doing research at the (old) British Library. Gosh, that was over ten years ago. The north reading room was absolutely sweltering, and I loved every minute of it.

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Re Wolfson and his aversion to split infinitives: It's something with which I will not put.

Re Wolfson and his crow's feet, I suggest it comes from squinting as he inspects his manly parts and says, "I swear they seemed verily to appear bigger this morning."

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57: UP with which

Damn, and I screwed up in an anti-Wolfson post. I reallyam rusty. That's what prison'll do to a man.

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Hey, Snees is the hero! Offering up his lawn to the cause of the Mongol Rally.

(Turned out not to be necessary, but the offer was heroic nonetheless.)

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