Re: Why we fight


this "--wait for it--" meme must die. It signifies: "I overvalue the importance of what I am about to write" and/or "if someone disagrees with me, I automatically assume that person doesn't understand me, out of some deficiency of his own."

Death to "--wait for it--"

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I'd say the appropriate response to that is --wait for it-- Fuck you, clown.

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case in point.

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if someone disagrees with me, I automatically assume that person doesn't understand me, out of some deficiency of his own.

But this sentiment is part of the very essence of the snarky "shorter" posting and is frequently useful in that context.

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Glad I could help.

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it seems to me a placeholder for actual humor. anyway, look who uses it.

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If we start listing annoying blogger tics that need to end, we're going to be here all day.

That said, I nominate "Blibbidy-bloo gets it exactly right," the deliberate "Um," and any practice whereby one starts out mocking someone else's annoying tic only to exacerbate and perpetuate said annoying tic ("Heh-indeedy," "misunderestimate," etc.)

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I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one watching HBO last night.

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There, all fixed, you bastards.

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It was in a quote that you were intending to discredit, so I don't fault you, FL. Not this time.

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Yeah, I don't actually think Labs's use of "wait for it" was improper. But now I will object to the way Labs rolled over so quickly, after only eight comments. It's just another example of mau-mauing the bloggers, and I, for one, am ashamed of this rank cowardice.

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No, I wasn't quoting May with the offending phrase-- note the quote marks. On the other hand, May's argument is at least a plausible candidate for that phrase, since he clearly starts down an argumentative road that will end very, very badly, leaving us all too horrified to turn our heads.

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I see now. Never do it again.

I love you.

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Um, 7 gets it exactly wrong.

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Since when does "--wait for it--" or "Um" signify any of those things? I thought it was just a way of introducing comic timing into text. Doesn't the "it" in "wait for it" mean "the punchline"? It's a cousin of "see, you thought I was going to go one way, and then I went the opposite way".


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Tara Reid was "jumping up and down and screaming" Saturday night at the Delano Hotel in Miami when she got the news that she would be starring in a movie called "Senior Skip Day" with ... wait for it ... Robert DeNiro as her co-star.

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I hate you, M/tch.

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15: "Um" usually signifies "the point I am about to make is terribly obvious, and although it pains me to do so, I will now explain it to you, slowly, using very short words."

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18: which is why it's so useful in blog comments.

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For what it's worth, I much prefer the 43rd Chairborne to the 101st Fighting Keyboarders because -- wait for it --

Oh, never mind.

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