Re: Bread, Butter


but that thread had 800+ posts. shouldn't it have thousands of views?

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I'm talking about how many people click the link in each post, not the link to the comment thread.

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oh, why would you click on that?

alternative thread title: "guns, butter"

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But the Iran link was to dynamic media, right?

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Yeah, so??

Ok ok, but typically links don't get many more clicks than that.

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This reminded me to go back to that link again, and it amazed me that no one noted Jessica Biel's astonishingly good posture.

I mean, good asses are a bit uncommon, but a sitting position like that? Rarer than unicorns. Jessica will be laughing at everyone else in the world as she's back-pain free well into her golden years.

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But didn't at least one person note Biel's posture in that thread? That was the first thing I thought about when I saw those pics...

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6: You misspelled "posterior".

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Test message to see if my computer will let me comment.

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I see McLemee and ogged have already begged, but I don't see that either has asked how Saiselgy learned the willpower not to watch the Wire when offered the chance. Plainly, the übermensch blogs among us.

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Not enough comments on this thread.

So: I'm working on shooting a dramatization of ogged's struggles with cancer and rumors of cancer.

The working title is How Ogged Got His Grooved Back, or maybe The Kidney Stays in the Picture.

Alternate title or casting suggestions are welcome.

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Scarlett Johanssen plays the ex.

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And Will Smith could play The Mexican.

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Who will play the Tivo?

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Scarlett Johanssen looks nothing like my ex. And Chris Noth is too old and fat to play me anymore.

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10: If I may, it was a total crisis. While the rest of the watchers were meeting to determine what should be done, Alec seized The Wire and watched the series straight through. Now no one can speak to him—no one can even look him in the eye for fear that the truth, whatever it may be, will be written all over his face. We decided that a Fellowship would be assembled to transport The Wire to Western Baltimore, where it must be destroyed, before it destroys us all.

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15: I think we were all thinking of Jeff Goldblum, anyway.

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I imagine Ogged looking like Todd Louiso.

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18: You mean post-cancer, or just generally?

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Smasher, you need a fellowship to bring the damn DVD to me, so that I can torment you by saying things like, "well, that gets resolved in a very interesting way in Season Four", whenever you're discussing The Wire.

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I think Ogged has just spoilt reruns of Sex and The City for me.

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Thank you for the link love, from the "with this" people.

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I was noticing that the back of JB's jeans were pretty low in that posture photo. Yesterday I was walking by a woman sitting at a sidewalk cafe whose pants were low at the back and her whole ass was visible to anyone walking down the street.

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Surely you don't mean the erstwhile waist of her pants was cradling her buttocks.

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The waistline revealed, let us say, three quarters of the above-seat buttocks-line. Nay, four-fifths.

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That seems like an extreme manifestation of a rather common phenomenon these days.

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That could create some interesting tan lines.

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In a million years or so, our butts will have evolved nictitating membranes made of denim.

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Ah yes, the blinking bottoms of the future. What signals we shall have available to us!

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Oh I'm so full of love, as any fool can see
'Cause ages up above, have hung the moon on me

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I'll stand behind
You mooning forever more

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