Re: Hey!


Facts = end of discussion. Way to go.

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My beef PHC is that I don't think it's funny. It's too corny. And it always seems to be on when I want to hear the news.

I will say this, though: I've only read two things Keillor's written, and they were both great. 1) His take-down of Norm Coleman in Salon; and 2) His take-down of Henri-Bernard Levy.

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1.) TAL has done some excellent political shows. They did one on how Al Gore got taken down by teh media machien that was great, and I heard that longe before I'd ever heard of the Daily Howler. Great pieces on mandatory minimum sentences and the War on Terror. One had a really good explanation of the FISA court.

2.) Tom Ashbrook is not nearly as bad as Dick Gordon who took over the Connection after WBUR fired Chris Lydon. Dick Gordon was fired just after Christo (the GM who fired Lydon) was pushed out for financial improprieties. John Hockenberry is subbing this week.

3.) mcmc--of course Ly/don gets a lot of help (don't they all?), though he does write pretty well. Ly/don wouldn't work without Ma/ry Mc/Gr/ath.

4.) I agree that Open Source is spotty. It isn't nearly as good as the Connection was at its best. I think that a really strong internet presence coupled with a regular radio show would work better. The old show was a lot more open, because the callers were really good and often knew more than the official guests. A caller on the lien can talk back in a way that a blog commenter can't. A lot of people criticize Ly/don for interrupting his guests and having a big ego. He did and does interrupt his guests, but he often let his callers talk without interrupting them in a way that Talk of the Nation never does. The new show is not as good as the old one was. I do appreciate the fact that Lydon makes no bones about the fact that he think George W. Bush sucks.

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What drives me nuts about Tom Ashbrook is that he repeats the full first and last name of his guests every time he addresses a question to them. Yes, it's helpful for those just tuning in, but it makes me furious.

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The real end of discussion is not facts, but citations. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to cite this, and to urge your attention especially to the portion that discusses the following.

3. You have subjected me to endless, boring talk about weather, regularity, back problems, and whether something happened in 1938 or 1939....
4. You have taught me to worship a god who is exactly like you, who shares your thinking exactly, who is going to slap me one if I don't straighten out fast....
16. You have provided me with poor male role models... men who clung to tiny grudges for decades and were devoted to vanity, horsefeathers, small potatoes—not travel but the rites of trunk-loading and map-reading and gas mileage; not faith but the Building Committee; not love but supper....
29. You taught me not to be "unusual" for fear of what the neighbors would say.... We knew they'd talk, because we always talked about them....
75. I wasted years in diametrical opposition, thinking you were completely mistaken, and wound up living a life based more on yours than if I'd stayed home....

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So tell us, Dr. Xenophon Cadwallader, is global warming real? Is it dangerous? Will our city sink into the sea, and if so when?

Well Tom--

Some scientists contend that it's a big false alarm. Dr. Xenophon Cadwallader, what do you say to them? Are their really more hurricanes? What about el Nino?

Well Tom, I--

We're talking with Dr. Xenophon Cadwallader about global warming. Is this the end of the world as we know it? More after the break. Let us know what you think!

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