Re: Memento


You partisan hack.

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Screw raising the tone. That pic is a thing of beauty.

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Firedoglake is running a week-long series on authoritarianism with Glenn Greenwald and John Dean;maybe two weeks.

But Sara Robinson has been riffing on Dean's book over at Dave Neiwert's for at least a couple weeks already:

Conservatives Without Conscience

But Sara Robinson has been riffing on Dean's book and authoritarianism over at Dave Neiwert's for at least a couple weeks already. Highly recommended. I will link to the site, she is up to six long essays.


I have not read Dean's book, and like he was there in the early 70s, so I would be amazed if he didn't cover Nixon. But I have often said my fear and loathing of Republicans derives from their apotheosis and blind fanatical worship of Richard Nixon even during the height of Watergate.

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I've got . Framed.

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I'm blaming that on my touch pad, if anyone will buy it.

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I'm surprised that Unfogged has so far failed to cover the You-tube 24-hour Paris Hilton video channel.

The publicity shots tell me that Paris's coaches have listened to my advice and taught her two entirely new poses besides her standard smirk. She'll be the next Meryl Streep if this keeps up.

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5: Is JM offering her "touch pad" for sale?

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Does Meryl Streep have more than three poses?

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I find correcting spelling errors irresistible. And the picture, too.

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