Re: And...


We only wished you well so that our eventual betrayal would be that much more painful.

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Way to give the game away, Timbot.

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You're going to leave us again now, aren't you.

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You made a very good place here for a lot of people, and we care about you. I'm glad the good feeling helped.

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Mind you, I'm still not comparing you to a goat.

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How about a sheep, then?

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Don't mind if I do.

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You're going to leave us again now, aren't you.

Alas, my little plumbing, I won't pretend to quit again, but I am headed back to California tomorrow and to work soon, and there will be much less of me in these part, I think.

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As we saw, work greatly hindered the blog's 2003-2005 activity.

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Oddly, when you were working before, there wasn't much of an ogged shortage.

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Curse you, Armsmasher.

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Alas, my little plumbing

The thread for that is a couple posts down.

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But now I'll be busy. If I'm not behind on something after four months away, the jig will be up.

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Yeah, what the hell does "my little plumbing" mean?

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This is going to be like when I called baa "incisive," isn't it? But SB was the one most bothered by that, so aren't we even steven?

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I thought baa was the one most bothered by your having called baa "incisive". How much it bothered me: not at all!

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Or do I mis: understand!

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I chipped in my $3.50 to hang with the cool kids. I mean, I'm glad you're alright, but I'm much happier about being able to bum smokes from wolfson.

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Wolfson smokes?

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baa will be happy to know that in the last two comments, I burned completely though whatever life that schtick had left in it.

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As long as you don't pretend to quit again, we'll be happy.

And if you do, well, next time it might have to be something more than part of a li'l old kidney.

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You're leaving us again, aren't you?

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that'll teach me to comment first.

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19 - He'll embrace or deny it. Either way, he's lying.

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And if you do, well, next time it might have to be something more than part of a li'l old kidney.

Which was delicious, btw. We feasted druid-style, as in, whoever got the cancery bit won the privilege of being sacrificed on an altar. Good times.

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I read more than I comment, by a factor of about 1000%, but this kinda thing makes me feel all gooshy inside. Like one of those chocolate melty cakes.

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25 should tell you the answer to the second question.

I light this link over the drained corpse of that shtick.

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We're still waiting on the first question, though.

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You know, I should be doing some work-related activities.

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I still don't know what that phrase means. Or was I supposed to figure it out based on some obscure reference to incisive baa? I was a good lurker back in the day, but I didn't read every thread.

Good night, my little plumbings. Safe travels to you, ogged.

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I should be doing some work-related activities.

Yeah, that street corner won't walk itself. Get on, now.

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you're welcome, ogged, for curing your cancer.

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27: Matt, have I, like Rod Stewart, told you lately that I love you? First you finish the joke just the way I imagined it, then you link to a comment of mine that I'm particularly proud of. And I didn't even have to pay you. In currency.

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I still don't know what that phrase means.

It's me. See also (et seq.).

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you're welcome, ogged, for curing your cancer.

I think Megan is the one who deserves to be thanked.

What I object to in Eric Kaufman's claim is that he can bum smokes from me. I've been in town nearly a full week and he hasn't made good on his months-old offer to stand me a beer!

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God damn it, Ben, I don't care if you're just shitting us. You can't go there.

I just woke up from thinking my sleep-paralyzed hand was a flashlight, so discount appropriately.

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What are you on about, SB?

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As if you don't know.

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Can I bum a smoke, ben?

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You don't need to ask permission, but you should probably make sure it has a flared base.

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Okay, I'll wait for the cock photos before I light up.

(Progress report, by the by?)

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Is 40 to 36 or 39?

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(Progress report, by the by?)

Based on your name I'd guess that you could contribute to the progress.

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Does that mean you know for a fact that Stanley hasn't already submitted his entry?

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43: Based on this comment, I propose an entirely new, alternate definition of "Weiner-Pwned."

44: Yes, this means he would recognize my cock, which hasn't yet been sub to this dom.

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Stanley's cock and I go way back, so to speak. I'd recognize it in an instant.

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35 - Well, if you call me by my middle name, it's not like I'm gonna turn my head.

And anyway, the minute you want me to stand you a beer, you just hit the keys that spell my name and it's yours. If you, I don't know, told me when you'd be in town, maybe we could arrange something. You know, I think we're gonna have to get counseling...

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