Re: mom is yelling


You lazy gay, post that text under the fold.

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Done. Sleepy now.

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is this little post limp...or growing

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Xxxxxxxxx (8:16:53 PM): well i better go finish my hw...i just found out from a
friend that i have to finish reading and notating a book for AP english

f00b: are you hard like a rock?
n00b: gtg study.

d00d, harsh.

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source for that? I clicked on the link thinking it would be a news account, not the transcript itself. So what authenticates the source?

(And do people really talk that way? Aye aye aye. What a nasty world you chilluns have to grow up in nowadays.)

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You just knew it had to be bad when he resigned that quickly. It's as awesome as I'd hoped.

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It's instant messaging; it has its own syntax. I figure it's kind of like telegrams ('why did they always say stop when they got to ends of sentences? l8r, gtg, ttyl.)

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Measure it again.

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Wondering if it's fake. It's a little too perfect: He just finished campaigning for the day and jumps right to the shower/grower distinction?

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if 8 was a reply to my parenthesis in 6:
yeah, I know about IM'ing, and I know what brb and gtg and so on and so forth mean. That's not what I was referring to when I asked whether people really talk that way.

Anyhow--ogged, I wouldn't joke too much about Foley offing himself. It may come back and haunt you when he turns up dead in the next few days of undetermined causes.

(i.e., they can't determine whether he was killed by Karl Rove or Ken Mehlman or Denny Hastert).

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Wiki: In late 2000, Foley played a large role in aiding George W. Bush during the Presidential election recount controversy in Florida.

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Mom: What are you doing?
Xxxxxx: Measuring my penis.
Mom: Why?
Xxxxxx: The congressman told me to.


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Oh, sure, McManus can call for armed insurrection, but we can't joke about this clown. Typical.

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hey, I haven't been here long enough to be typical.

Seriously, though: what's the source for this?

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Cut it out bitzer, you're making me hard.

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It was on the cast fetish web site.

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abc doesn't say where they got it.

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Bitzer hasn't realized yet that this is where empathy comes to die.

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Cut it out bitzer, you're making me hard.

Tell me when your reaches rock.

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Oop, apparently too hard to italicize properly.

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I'll have empathy for the predatory kid-chasing hypocrite tomorrow. Tonight, I'm buying towels.

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Hey, I just realized that kid bitzer's name is a clever pun.

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empathy, enh. Not what I come here for.

at least Cala gives me a clue, sc. abc. I'll check there.

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Don't rub yourself raw, little guy.

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Funny, I just realized he's touchy about this topic for a reason.

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Well, a pun, anyway.

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The story's here, kid biter.

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kid biter

Let's not cast aspersions upon our newbie.

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"That's Congressman Kid Biter to you."

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"Federal authorities say such messages could result in Foley's prosecution, under some of the same laws he helped to enact."

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29 me.

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got it. Thanks.

Yeah, I'm touchy about unsourced scandal. so sue me.

Now that I see it's pretty well sourced--rock on.

This is appallingly good news. The Democratic recovery of at least one house has just moved a lot, lot closer.

The appalling part being that I think it is very likely that the press and electorate will respond to this one with a great deal of focus and attention, get angry, outraged, and vote the bums out, when in fact they should have been getting outraged about the Detainee Bill.

But as we learned during the Hunt for Bill Clinton, the press loves a sex scandal above all else. And trashing habeas corpus? who cares about that?

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You're killing me, bitzer.

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"After we posted that story online, we began to hear from a number of other pages who sent these much more explicit, instant messages."

Ehhhhhh.... well, he did resign, so presumably there's some messages out there, but I'm not so sure about 'we posted it online and these guys just came out of the woodwork with archived conversations from three years ago.'

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Josh Marshall is all over this story. It seems to be reaching very high up into the House leadership.

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I love that people in the page program knew enough to warn the pages, but didn't actually get the guy to stop. That's classy.

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Ogged, you know how bitzer is-- gets everyone excited, then has to help his mom with some files.

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Christ, the Republican house leadership is like the Boston diocese.

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I was sort of thinking that re:37; it seems the other pages would warn other pages but weren't going to risk telling on a powerful guy, and that sounds a bit like 'everyone knows don't be alone with Father Anthony.'

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Yeah, but if they'd stopped with the molestation in Boston, everyone's way of life was threatened, here I'm pretty sure they could have just kicked out one guy. Seriously, how hard would it be to tell Foley that he had to step aside gracefully, because this shit was bound to come out.

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I don't know, if you look at all the shit the GOP's pulled in the past few years (secret torture prisons in Eastern Europe, anyone?) it doesn't look like they give much thought to the inevitability of disclose. They're all about the coverups.

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the inevitability of disclosure, that is

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41: Maybe nailing underage pages is a way of life for Republican Congressmen. Who knew the Reds were the NAMBLA party?

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Well, it couldn't happen to a nicer party.

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Hey Labs, is any girl gonna give you a hand job this weekend?

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I didn't know waltzing could make you so sore.

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Sore, and way hot. Like a hot rock. Like a hot seven and half inch long rock. Mommmm!

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7 1/2 is the most cliched internet cock size, I think.

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Except this kid is actually nine inches, but just wanted to be left alone.

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Well, he is in a hurry. No time for lotion! Have to get to practice!

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Strangest line in the whole thing: "where do you throw the towel"

What the fuck, old man? Are you going to retrieve it?

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I love that he says "you need a massage" and "I like steamroom." It's like he's a mix of gay culture's greatest cliches.

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Just popping in to say ho, lee, fuck.

I had read the emails, and thought it was bizarre that his office went to such weird lying lengths to cover it up ("We ask for everyone's picture in our office after they leave!"), especially if there was a possibility this stuff would come out. Now they all look evil.

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At this point, I'd almost like to hear that at least one anti-pedophilia Republican is not a pedophile, or an anti-gay Republican not a gay, or a pro-American Republican not trying to destroy America.

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7 1/2 is the most cliched internet cock size, I think.

How large is your sample?

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It's kind of like someone in the Democratic party suddenly pushed Left-Right-Left-Right-Up-Down-Up-Down-A-B-A-B-Select-Start.

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I'd like to find out that Republican congressmen are using the detainees at Gitmo as their personal sex slaves.

Measure it for me again.
This is haram!

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this is not happening!!

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Friday evening information dump---but somehow I doubt this story is going to die.

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That is the wrongest thing I have ever laughed at.

In haiku:
This horny old congressman
is hard like a rock.

(That can't be spelled right, as indicated by the fact that google locates it only in the context of a poem containing the lines

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61--it's not going to die, and I don't think they were controlling the timing on this one. This was definitely *not* what the RNC wanted to come out on this Friday.

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Oh Allah please I never want to
Smoke another bong
With this congressman who
Keeps asking about my dong.

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Dear Exalted Ayatollah Sistani,

I fear I have defiled my body and dishonored the Prophet (peace be upon him) for I have succumbed to the temptation of self pleasure. What shall be my punishment in the next life?

A Troubled Page

Young Page,

Where do you throw the towel?


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64: You need about three more syllables in the third line, and a couple fewer in the fourth.

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7 1/2 is the most cliched internet cock size, I think.

Gotta hand it to the kid, if he's lying, it's a good one. Above average, but not by so much as to immediately make the other party assume you're lying.

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66: You need about three more syllables

At The Minishaft?

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65 is awesome.

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68: Five is only three to a very rough approximation.

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Ogged, do you know why I hate you? It's late Friday night, and I'm parsing lame cybersex looking for some as-yet-undiscovered joke.

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great visual
i may try that

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Folly meets Foley.
'Tis tow'l cum resignation.
Shame be a corpus.

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great visual

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Has anyone seen Gram, my one-eyed snake? Did one of you kids run off with it?

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At what point in handing over glasses of water and documents is Foley's like, "Hey, kid, gimme your screenname. I might want to say hey to you some night."

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Tia did, I think.

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At what point

I wouldn't be surprised if that info were on a contact list. If pages "belong" to an office, then I'll bet that Foley's office got that info from all the kids. If he hit them up for it personally, it makes me much more concerned that he physically molested some of these kids.

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Who wants to sex my congressman?

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Hm. I've never worked anywhere that required me to give personal info like that. It freaks me out somewhat. Plus, the kid seems hardly shocked when Foley starts in with the "I'm hard r u?" business.

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78: Not screennames but e-mail addresses, of course. I'm sure there's a list.

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Yeah, I can't see why one's IM screenname would be publicly available like that. Work is for working, not for IMing!

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Since the penis size thing is "tell me again," it's a good bet this was something ongoing. As Josh Marshall points out, Foley did this with multiple pages, and the kid who complained about the "sick sick sick" emails is not this kid.

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Presumably his MO was to start off with e-mail, then move on to IM; this whole thing started when ABC got ahold of some (fairly innocuous) e-mails he'd sent and asked him about them.

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Somewhere in all this there's a joke about bookmarks versus bending over pages.

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And obviously Foley's work email is not his AOL account, so it must have been him contacting the kid, saying "Hey it's Congressman Foley! Wanna chat?"

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I can't see why one's IM screenname would be publicly available like that

It would be a little odd if the pages don't belong to an office but they all put their screennames on a list. I'm just guessing. But I'm willing to bet that if pages work for a particular office, someone in Foley's office had the nifty idea to ask them all for their screennames.

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84 sounds right, actuallly.

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I so hope this kid is never identified. "Why yes, I do have a plaster cast fetish, and a while back I used to sexxx up Rep. Foley."

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Has anyone searched to see if Foley has a Myspace account?

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Some companies use IM quite a bit. Quick and cheap. We use it a ton where I'm currently at. We moved to an intra network MSN thing, but for years it was regular old AOL.

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Clearly, Foley's already moved on to new endeavors.

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I couldn't find the myspace page, but I'm bad at searching that thing. OK, time to do my AP english homework.

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So AWB comes back from a long absence with a Contra joke, and no gives her any credit? For shame.

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I'm underappreciated in my own time.

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Please, God, let this kid never be identified.

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96: "identified" s/b "bitzer"?

I'm still confused about the pun thing; but then, I'm dense.

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"Βιτ&zeta" is the name of a sport that was played in Greek-occupied north Africa, traditionally using an inflated goat's bladder; the pun is that a "kid bitzer" could either be a young player of this game or one who uses the smaller bladder of a kid to heighten the challenge.

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Do try to keep up, Stan.

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I'm glad to see 94, because 58 was awesome.

Man, I hope this story is still in the news Monday.

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poor ogged--seems I really hit a nerve when I harshed his buzz on the escort thing, so last night I got to be pinata.

fair enough, folks--but handle flames? Isn't that kind of lame?

And the real thing to keep in mind here: Foley wound up where he is because he started using high-priced female escorts. Yup. It's the gateway drug. And then next thing you know, you're IM'ing 16 y.o. boys.

That's what I was trying to save you from, ogged. And this is the thanks I get.

(Stanley--my best guess is that she was hearing "kibbitzer"--could be she had something else in mind).

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fair enough, folks--but handle flames? Isn't that kind of lame?

Dude, read the archives. You didn't get flamed, you got a backrub.

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Jesus, why do I read RedState? The line over there is basically "why is Foley resigning when the aberrant sexual behavior of Barney Frank still goes unpunished."

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where in the archives does it explain what "backrub" means in IM slang?

Anyhow--all in good fun.

Question: are there reporting requirements in DC? Isn't there a Child Services Division? Hastert et co. may have violated laws by not reporting--these are reportable events.

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"I love that people in the page program knew enough to warn the pages, but didn't actually get the guy to stop."

This would be another teaching moment. A lot of people don't know what "prerogative" means. Let's use it in a sentence:

"At one time, trolling the page pool is a Congressional prerogative. In theory, they weren't supposed to do it, but nothing happened if they did. But then in September 2006 hypocritical Democratic partisans made a big deal out of nothing."

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On the size question: Xxxxxxxxx knew Foley was a big Vanity fan.

Foley's congressional website is down, but Steve Rothaus has copied the section entitled "Children." An excerpt:

Over the years, Mark also has worked closely with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and John Walsh (host of Fox TV’s America’s Most Wanted) on a variety of child protection programs. Among the latest of these is a program designed to show children how to protect themselves from online predators.

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Commenting on someone's handle is a flame?

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Somebody who has actual high-volume blog posting powers needs to start calling our esteemed speaker of the house "Bishop Hastert".

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I can't decide whether that meme would hurt us with or endear us to Catholics.

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My Catholic friends do not like bishop jokes. They're pretty liberal but they still love the Church.

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My Catholic friends do not like bishop jokes.

Not even jokes coming from... The Bishop?

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I expect it would hurt the case with Catholics; we're pretty pissed about the abuse, too,but that doesn't mean we like the jokes.

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You know what I'm waiting for? Some Repug to show up on one of the Sunday politics shows and nervously declare that this shouldn't be a big deal, because, after all, it's just pederasty not pedophilia.

Why did you have to ruin wolfson's joke kid bitzer? The folx here could have kept that one going for at least another 200 comments. Oh well, I guess everyone has to start somewhere.

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I'm waiting for good old Prof. Reynolds to link to this post and the one below it one as an example of liberals caring more the pickup of a House seat than those poor, scarred Congressional pages. And then they make jokes! Jokes.

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I love that people in the page program knew enough to warn the pages, but didn't actually get the guy to stop. That's classy.

Welcome to the real world, Labs! Everyone here who has a vagina and has been warned that senior penis person so-and-so is a little creepy, raise your hand.

Actually, come to think of it, not a feminist issue. I bet L's own students pass along these warnings to one another.

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Am I the only one here who not infrequently sexes someone up via chat? Because, in the harsh light of day, what's most obvious about this transcript is how uninterested the kid is, and how much he seems to be taking every opportunity to change the subject or disengage. I wouldn't be surprised if the cast fetish were a complete lie.

Not that that'll help him in any way if someone finds out who he is.

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B, I think you've got it. This definitely looks like a typical "one side not in the mood" IM conversation. It's also clear that the kid has had this conversation many times before.

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When I read the part about casts, the first thing that came to mind was the Plaster Casters. The second thing that came to mind was Jimi Hendrix's encounter with them. But he's obviously not talking about those casts.

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I assumed the kid was just taking the piss with the cast fetish thing; just thinking of the most weirdly specific and un-erotic fetish he could think of. Casts? Really?


(NSFW, obviously)

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Bitch, you don't understand. Molesting boys is wrong and abnormal. It's this kind of relativistic moral equivalency that causes normal people to hate liberals and feminists.

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The cast fetish is the most cliched J.G. Ballard fetish, I think.

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Am I the only one here who not infrequently sexes someone up via chat?

This seems so impractical.

I am working on a case where our opponent is in the business of doing porn chat by text mesage to cell phones. How does this even work? (I'm mean I understand the telecom aspects, it's just the other aspects . . . ) I guess I don't understand because when I type on my cell phone or Blackberry I use both hands.

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122: And then there's the Catholic girls cliché.

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My snugglebear (I intend to beat this joke past the point of death) and I are long-distance, and we've never done the chat sex, mostly because I can't help thinking we could just write scripts that would do the same thing and I could go watch television instead.

if (HotForYou;)


I can see how it could theoretically be fun, but it just doesn't strike me as appealing.

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The kid sounded either uninterested or bewildered: 'fetish? like the movie? oh, and schoolgirls. everyone likes plaid skirts.'

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125 is truly brilliant.

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Vibrate Mode.

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Uh, 128 is for idealist's 123.

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I bet L's own students pass along these warnings to one another.


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Vibrate Mode.

I'm not sure what this means, but I'm afraid to try it lest (1) my cell phone explode or (2) our office manager later confront me with a cell phone bill for exotic cell phone porn.

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Has anyone here seen Primer? I saw it last night, and am very tempted to watch it again in order to try to figure it out, but wonder if anyone else has done so and if so, did it work?

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14:Please I would enjoy the lurk better if future references to me are in the form, "Comrade McManus" or "Cell Leader McManus" or best "Dallas Cell #1 M". Thank you.

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these warnings

Beware of Gram, the one-eyed snake
The haand that jobs, the wood that spirts.
Beware the pervert Congressman, and get
Your homework done.

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125: lulz!

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132: Yes. Also, listen to the commentary, if you've got it on DVD.

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If you could write scripts for your chat sex, you're doing it wrong.

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I could probably modify it:
return later;


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132: Yes, I saw it and liked it very much. I am not sure it holds up to rigorous re-watching, since much that we need to know isn't in the film, but it did give me great pleasure.

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Another Republican ...h/t FDL

I do think there is a causal relationship between certain kinds of extreme sexual deviancy and authoritarianism, conservatism, or Republicanism, not in the sense that all Republicans are child molesters but in the sense that more child molesters are Republican than Democrats. The etiosis has yet to be determined.

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Damn. I used it just for kicks, but going online to see if I was anywhere near meaning, appears if I was playing Scrabble, "etiosis" would get me in big trouble.

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132: Yes, but I'd have to go back in time to figure it out.

OTOH, we watched V is for Vendetta last night and noted how frighteningly prescient it seemed to be. [And yes, I understand why Alan Moore was discomfitted by it; it's not really his Bakuninian anarchic vision of the necessity of destroying the old to build the new. But, hey, freedom's jes' another word/for nothin' left to lose...]

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man, I will always mourn this guy I "met" when I was 21, because he was the only person I have ever encountered who was as good at internet sex as I am. Every other time, the relationship is a little, or a lot, one sided.

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as good at internet sex as I am

I challenge an internet sex fight to the finish!

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Come again? Have you heard about my ultratalmudic vulvanic forcefield?

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There should be a way to compete in internet sex to a "last person standing" finish.

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118: Chickenshit. I admit to internet sex under my own pseudonym. But thanks for this and for 137.

123, 125: I can't help it if some people lack imagination. I bet y'all never, ever think about sex unless you're actually going to have sex or masturbate, either.

130: I meant FL; I was trying to be subtle b/c of the whole redacted previous comments thing. As usual, my attempts at subtlety just end up being incomprehensible, though.

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re 130: I think B is suggesting that you and your friends have enough sense to know who is creepy and stay away from same. I hope this is true.

Shouldn't you be studying?

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What's eating at me is how Mark Foley looks EXACTLY like a professor in my program, who has the same face, same hair, and the same intense, possibly mad stare.

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Oh noes! No, I wasn't thinking of L, who is an actual real student, at all. I was making a joke about FL's old jokes--jokes really!--about student sexxoring.

Which none of us here ever do, or ever would do, because it's creepy and wrong. We only joke about it in a dark humor kind of way.

Okay! So now I am going to, um, go do something else.

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Yes, you should conclude that the reason I don't find cybersex thrilling is due to my lack of imagination.

It's not that, really. It's just that the words & imagination don't turn me on at the computer, probably because normally on the computer I'm multi-tasking, and I'd probably end up looking up recipes for chili while waiting for a description to be IM'd; if it works for you, great.

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On a wholly unrelated point, was I the only one who couldn't believe that this was a real threat? Has there been an outbreak of egg-related violence lately?

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Holy. Shit. 49 & 58 are the funniest things I will read all day. Konami code? I want to have AWB's babies, right now.

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but the chili would be SPICY and HOT.

Tia, you're right, I wouldn't stand a chance.

One funny thing about this: while in real life I take many steps to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, one of my colleagues is indeed rogering a recently former student.

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153 - indeed. I've been quoting 58 around the internets (well, 2 or 3 places). It deserves to live forever.

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How former? Was the graduation-bought champers still cold?

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Some of my current students seem to enjoy making comments to me in front of other students that seem to suggest that we're involved in an erotic relationship. I wasn't sure what to do about this at first, but now I've figured it out.

Sultry green-eyed boy: So, um, AWB. [sigh] I guess I was pretty late to class today. Are you mad at me?
AWB: Oh, yes, I am, SGEB. I'm so mad I might just stay mad forever.
SGEB: Huh?
AWB: I mean that, whenever I'm tempted to think anything nice about you, I'll simply remember this moment, and sigh, and think, "How sad that was." I shan't recover from the shock. You may not want to come back.

That seems to break the tension nicely.

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157: Some of my current students seem to enjoy making comments to me in front of other students that seem to suggest that we're involved in an erotic relationship

Really?! That seems exceedingly creepy.

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Was something SGEB said in 157 supposed to suggest erotic relations? If so, it's too subtle for me.

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I think it hangs on the character of the sigh, and the manner of speaking entire.

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159: It's not what he says; it's how he says it. It's a class full of terrified, overwhelmed juniors and seniors who suddenly realize they're facing material way over their heads. This kid is rather fearless, and using a certain kind of quasi-sexual suggestiveness with me that, I think, is purposed to make all the other ladies in the class think he is teh hotness. It's working. So far, girls are actually crying when he speaks.

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I really hope that this isn't just good luck, and that there's a new Carville behind the scenes pulling strings.

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Not at all. Students regularly flirt with professors. I'll freely admit that I will flirt back, although with the caveat that my flirting, like AWB's dialogue above, might be described by those less honest as merely joking and, as she says, deflating the tension.

It's pretty damn easy, really, b/c most students are young enough that they don't *really* know they're flirting, so you can easily manage to both butter them up and keep them at arm's length without them realizing that's what you're doing.

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I didn't get 58.

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I suppose that "Your performance this term has been surprising and terribly disappointing" would be too blatant.

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It was a Family Circus joke.

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161: Yes, and often alpha-type boys, or those who aspire to be alpha-types, will try to pull that shit on youngish women instructors as a way of asserting dominance. You can ignore it and/or be a hardass over it, which gets you bad evals; or you can josh around ("flirt") back, as I and apparently AWB do. The latter makes them think that you're "cool," and keeps the alpha boys in line so they aren't disruptive and even "like" you, which means you get good evals *and* you can do good teaching.

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164 - cf

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163: I agree with this. Also, one must remember that students' sexual aggressiveness is almost never "about" you, the instructor, as a sexual object. It's a way of recasting intimidation as desire, or (as in the SGEB's method) a way of showing the rest of the class how badass you are.

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Uh, pwned by 167.

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164 - cf

Ohhhh. Thanks. In that case, 58 was funny.

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One funny thing about this: while in real life I take many steps to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, one of my colleagues is indeed rogering a recently former student.

How common is this? I'm not aware of any cases myself, but then I'm not paying very close attention.

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How common is this?

Pretty damn common, in my experience.

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172: All the time, teo. At my undergrad institution, I knew at least ten different girls who were receiving 3am phone calls from the poet in residence to come over and give him blowjobs. I received a very forward invitation to have an affair with a prof in another department, and I knew of several grad students who were sleeping with their dissertation directors.

Of my peers, though, I only know of a few who have slept with their undergrads. It usually ends badly.

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My ex-wide hit on her own creative writing instructor, but he chickened out. I was hit on, more or less, by the famous poet Robert Duncan. If you don't know who he is, shame on you, but he was famous back before you were born.

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And people wonder why I don't want to go to grad school.

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175: "ex-wife".

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I'm trying to think if I've been hit on by teachers. I suppose so, but less than I would have hoped. In undergrad, one of my profs was friendly and a bit flirty, but he was very low key about it, and it was never a problem when I didn't reciprocate. In high school I had a female teacher who loved me and said "Oh, ogged, yumm" when she saw my yearbook picture, but I took that as a maternal "yumm."

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164- ogged must have led a very sheltered life.

BUT: 168 - "start" isn't actually part of the code?!?! Are you shitting me?!

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176: I'd add that I feel extremely safe from any kind of sexual harassment or affair-suggestions in my Ph.D. program. I think undergrads are much more likely to be sexually manipulated (and manipulating) than grad students, for whom an affair is usually only a means to an end. Undergrads seem much less self-aware about the power dynamics of a sexual relationship with profs.

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I'm just embarrassed that 168 taught me that my memory of Konami code was deeply flawed. No 99 lives for me!

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179 - maybe you should go set those idjits at wikipedia straight.

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It happens all the time, and I think a big part of it is because there *is* a certain erotic frisson to a good professor/student relationship. And, like the theater, it can be kinda heady, especially as the show/semester is winding down. If you are silly, you can wind up doing silly things. It takes a cool head and/or, as Labs says, deliberate steps to avoid even the appearance of impropriety (i.e., avoiding situations like taking a student out for drinnks) to keep it in perspective.

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178: They were both flirty, but as you say, being low-key. Which is pretty much the right way to do it.

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Just recently I took a few classes and ended up with a big crush on a teacher half my age. She was cute, famous, quite friendly, and between husbands too.

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180: It's more just that being in that environment sounds so, so creepy. As an undergrad right now I'm more or less totally oblivious to it (although I'm sure it's going on around me), but it seems like grad students are more aware of what's going on in their departments.

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Of course, I am considering working on Capitol Hill, so yeah.

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At my institution, any kind of romantic/sexual contact with current students will result in firing. Re 180: many undergrads seem to be exquisitely aware of their avenues of recourse, of which there are many. De facto, grad students lack these, since they're so dependent on good will.

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One reason I'm a little bit unhappy about relationships between students and faculty is that other students are aware of them and this awareness changes the pedagogical dynamic for everyone.

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Grad student-junior prof relationships don't strike me as terribly wrong (no worse than a usual office romance, which isn't high praise) as long as the prof isn't grading or advising the student. It's not weird for a 33-year-old to date a 25-year-old.

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151: web cam.

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Yeah, but it's not just the age thing; it's that whole argument about relative power structures and, as Labs says, the way it affects the department as a whole.

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189: Solution: orgy!

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That's your solution for everything.

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192: I can see it being okay if the department was big enough. Some departments are big enough that a prof and a grad student might never interact professionally.

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I was hit on, more or less, by the famous poet Robert Duncan.

Better than being hit on by Ted Roethke, I suppose.

My College Democrats' alumni advisor--he later became a Congressional chief-of-staff--hit on me once (following a discussion of The Silmarillion of all things!). I guess he just couldn't wait to get to DC.

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when I was an undergrad (decades ago) I remember several profs sleeping with students. It messed up the students' lives, not too surprisingly.

I have since been on hiring committees, considering these same profs for jobs, and have seen it mess up the professors' lives (i.e. their past activity became common knowledge, and resulted in their being dismissed from consideration).

That is an indication of what a taboo it is now, decades later, to sleep with undergrads. It means the effective end of your career--at least the end of your chances of moving up to better jobs, possibly the end of your job altogether.

I am pretty sure that none of my departmental colleagues, in a variety of jobs, have ever hit on undergrads. (What happens in your department I don't know). There is a very, very strong social oppobrium attached to it, in addition to serious institutional penalties.

The result is that most of the professoriate I know are as scrupulous of their modesty and reputation as Victorian debutantes--because the penalties for disrepute are almost as severe (e.g. complete loss of job, reputation, and career).

Some people still put grad students in a different category. I think that's a mistake, but it's a harder case to make.

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I think I have mentioned elsewhere here that, at my MA graduation party, my thesis advisor drunkenly confessed that he'd always wanted to have sex with me. In the awkward silence that followed, he cleverly inserted, "And Kevin Spacey, but only if both of you were there, of course." I found it rather cute, and not at all threatening.

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oh, sure--but think about how Kevin Spacey felt.

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Didn't we have this thread?

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200: I love the long memory here. It's like the institutional memory at Oxford or something.

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I started to think about a comment that was remarkably like one of my comments on that thread and said, "That's not deja-vu"

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198 reminds me of a thing in my job. I'm on the committee that evaluates associates firm-wide, votes on partnership nominations, sets salaries, hires and fires. You'd think there would be at least some attempts at bribery, minor flirtation, or such. Instead, at our annual meeting a couple of years ago, a young woman associate (whom I did not know) came up to me (out of the blue) and said, somewhat drunkenly, 'do you remember when you used to be fun?'

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When I was a TA, I never ever got involved with any of my students, but I did have a secret grading policy of never giving perfect scores. I figured no test or problem set was so perfect that it couldn't be improved by also sleeping with me.

I didn't want all the students to sleep with me, some papers wouldn't be improved by also sleeping with me. But I wasn't going to penalize only the charming students, so I never gave any perfect scores to anyone in my several quarters of teaching. The kids never knew.

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Maybe the girls in the class are swooning over his sultry green eyes.

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That's some, uh, interesting pedagogy there, Megan.

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Reed college has an actual policy of trashing every freshman's first written paper in the required freshman course, no matter how good it is. Sort of like establishing dominance in dog training. New profs are told that they were being watched, and that if they gave any freshman a good grade on their first paper, they wouldn't be at Reed long.

Scuttlebutt from a reliable source.

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Did you mark down for impotence or premature ejaculation?

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205 is the result of attempting to post, failing to connect to the server, and only noticing the fact several hours later.

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206 - They never knew and it just compressed the top of the curve. But if you get your papers back with a 99+ and the words SEE ME IN OFFICE HOURS across the top of the page, now you'll know why.

208 - Never touched 'em. But now I *am* wondering if I would have changed their test scores based on their extracurricular performance. Kindof a dicey game for them...

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Topical: the USPS just brought me Storytelling. Thanks, USPS.

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Of course, I am considering working on Capitol Hill, so yeah.

Being a page isn't all it's cracked up to be, teo.

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What Megan doesn't know is that we had a similar approach to course evaluations.

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212: seriously, two days of running and three days of lifting every week, just to get those legs looking cute. It's a lifestyle, not a job.

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How's being a Congressman?

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213 - I got the highest evaluations the department had ever seen. But I baked them really excellent cookies.

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But if you get your papers back with a 99+ and the words SEE ME IN OFFICE HOURS across the top of the page, now you'll know why.

Noted. Maybe I should start going to office hours.

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Huh, half my comment didn't post. Are you serious about moving to the District, teo?

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Maybe. Depends if I can find a job.

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Noted. Maybe I should start going to office hours.

There'll be cookies, little boy.

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Cookies, you say?

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Yes. And puppies.

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Really excellent cookies, I hear.

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I got the highest evaluations the department had ever seen.

Ah, but were they perfect?

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Nope. Not perfect.

Off to catch the 4:10 train.

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177: Does finding "ex-wide" much, much funnier mean I'm going to hell?

181: I confess, I remembered it being uuddlrlr, not lrlrudud, but the joke was too good to correct. If you ever need an easy visual cue for it I've found just the thing.

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A tasty tidbit, vintage 1998:

"It's vile," said Rep. Mark Foley, R-West Palm Beach [of the Ken Starr report on Clinton - RMP]. "It's more sad than anything else, to see someone with such potential throw it all down the drain because of a sexual addiction."

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218: If at some point the DC based commenters outnumber the NY based commenters, maybe that should be taken into consideration when planning the text-inspired coop co-op house.

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At this point it's actually somewhat more likely that I'll become one of the NY-based commenters. But it's still quite early.

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speaking of that, I'm coming to dc after xmas for 10 days. who else is in dc? any apa attendees? (philosophical, not philological)

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You go to DC, like, every year. Don't you and Husband X ever want to visit University X?

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I will be in DC around December 15th for some as-yet-undetermined length of time.

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I hope to move to DC for at least a few months starting by the end of November.

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Woo hoo! Since I have very little vacation time left, I probably won't be going back to Midwest Hometown for the whole week between Xmas and New Years and can probably swing a trip to DC. I want to meet the rosy toed one!

(And Teo and eb, of course, let me know when you will be in DC, too.)

Little bit Becks-style on top of jetlag = winning combination!

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Can I say that APA Eastern sucks for ruining Christmas?

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groovy! I'll be there from the 27th to Jan 6. we can have a wing-ding. b-wo, if my family and all my highschool friends move to university x my pattern will likely change...

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235: yes. yes it does. Are you going?

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Hey, Cala's big chance to get some big lovin' before she and snuggybuggyboobear run off to Canuckleland.

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Uh huh. And you think that's likely, you say?

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239 to 236.

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Thanks for radically increasing my chances of scoring, Ogged. Now I'll have to fall back on plan B, which involves getting really drunk and causally regulating Richard Boyd.

Who is actually nice, and I will not actually assault him.

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Ben, you should come to the convention.

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I dunno. I'm not really that interested in philosophy.

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You know, the MLA this year is in Philadelphia, which isn't far from DC. We should figure out some kind of bi-disciplinary meetup, no?

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So what are you interested in?

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(If the answer is corruption and alleged pederasty, have we got a city for you!)

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244: teh HOTT!

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Music, and the new features in Python 2.5. (Actually only coroutines are really interesting to me.)

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Shit. What a wasted opportunity to employ my favorite retort.

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You have editing powers, Ben.

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246: Do you mean Port St. Lucie?

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Is Port St. Lucie known for corruption as well?

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In any case, I don't think there are any philosophy conferences in Port St. Lucie this December, so no.

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I don't think there are any philosophy conferences in Port St. Lucie this December

We could set one up in my pants. a/s/l btw?

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sorry got to study

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k lol

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Am I the only one here who not infrequently sexes someone up via chat?

I'd like to discuss that issue with you.

Perhaps via IM?

Somewhere in all this there's a joke about bookmarks versus bending over pages.


Something about're not a Portlander, are you?

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Calle me slow, but I just realized the 54 in Foley's AOL handle is the year he was born.

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"Somewhere in all this there's a joke about bookmarks versus bending over pages."

Strictyly from the tone of the messages I'd have to go with a tearing pages joke.

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237: Going to the Pacific Division meeting instead. Hurray for SF!

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Ah, I thought you were going to be on the mar-keet.

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Next year. How stupid to have to ruin Christmas with a job search.

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I thought you were going to be on the mar-keet.

Yeah, I'm the one who decreased your chance of scoring.

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It's part of the War on Christmas, Cala.

Ogged, all can share in the blame together. Maybe if I keep this up, snugglekins will make an attempt on my life at some convention.

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Does shivbunny read this thing?

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LULZ. I hope so. I think he's the only one who still believes I'm straight.

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Dunno whether I'll be around but I'd try to make a Philly meetup. Obviously, a DC meetup sounds great.

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you're not a Portlander, are you?

Nope. North Carolina.

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