Re: Check It


According to metafilter gun cases get stolen too.

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If you like metafilter so much, why don't you marry it?

Nice to have you back, Becks.

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Bah! This is what I get for catching up with Crypto-Gram but not Metafilter.


I just should be banned from the Internets until I catch up on all of my blog reading.

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2: I'm not sure whether to propose in AskMe or MeTa.

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Actually, I went in to write an entry asking people to tell me what I missed in world events in the last two weeks, as I was completely in a bubble and read/heard/saw very little news, but scrapped it so I guess it's appropriate that I got pwned by the post I put up with something I thought was still fresh and new. I realized I might have missed some stuff that went on in the world by the "Are you an idiot, lady?" look I got at the lunch place when I went in today and ordered my usual spinach salad.

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I have a rocket launcher for all my suitcases.

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I pack spinach in mine.

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And I'm absolutely, positively sure that packing a gun in your luggage won't get you permanently added to any heightened-risk extra-screening TSA lists, either.

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Why would it? You're allowed to check unloaded guns.

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Yeah, GB, in America we have a little thing called the Second Amendment.

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Not if you're Mexican.

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If you're Mexican you're probably already on the list.

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First they came for the Mexicans.

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Guns: The gift that keeps on giving.

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I would strongly advise against packing a Mexican in every piece of checked luggage, however.

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A Persian OTOH...

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I don't see why it would cause extra security pat-downs; you're permitted to check unloaded guns. Hunters and athletes do it all the time.

I mean, it's possible, little the government does follows logic, but to my mind, the guy that arranges to have a weapon safely secured isn't the guy we need to be worrying about.

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