Re: Halloween Bleg


Fuck that. Dip her in food dye and make her go as Achilles. She can get her way later in life.

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That would be a great costume.

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I just looked on Jbox, and while there are no suitable Miyazaki costumes, they do sell a Japanese magazine called "COS Cure" that might produce some leads.

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It'd look perfect on her -- it was her idea, but she's got the right hair, and the right face shape. I don't know why they don't seem to be for sale -- every kid I know watches the darn movies.

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Is she going as the one on the left, or on the right?

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Is the movie good? The comics were quite good.

That would be a very cool costume.

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I'm dejectedly assuming that this is not in fact an Odyssey anima, but the figure on the right makes a mean Alcinous.

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"anima" s/b "anime"

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Not ten minutes ago I thought, for the first time this year, about what, if anything, I wanted to do for Halloween. Strange timing.

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Nah, it's post-apocalyptic fighting off giant insects.

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Tristis est anime mea.

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"adult anime-fan sites"

If Dan Beste starts going on about the stripper who's really in love with him, just walk away...

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Well, exactly. I'd like to get Sally the costume she wants, if possible, but clearly following some of the links I found to cosplay sites would leave me too creeped out to go forward with the project.

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Nausicaa? Sally is awesome.

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She is, indeed, the niftiest of all possible seven-year-old girls.

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BTW -- I know in this case it is a pseud; but what is the name Sally usually short for? I've known women named Sally but never asked what was their full name. It's funny because with most nicknames I just know straight off what the name is an abbreviation of; but with Sally I'm coming up blank.

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OT: The title of More Songs About Buildings and Food should be changed to More Songs That Increase Armsmasher's Productivity.

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Just so it's clear, 2 was in reference to 1.

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16: Sarah, isn't it?

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19: Oh. I never knew that.

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A diminutive of Sarah, but also used as a name in its own right. I met someone this week who had never heard Pip for Philip - surprised me.

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I think it must be the given name in the great majority of modern cases, and must be nearly extinct as a diminutive or nickname, at least on these shores.

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She is, indeed, the niftiest of all possible seven-year-old girls.

Does she crap pot?

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No suggestions, LB, but that's a great costume idea.

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LB: Hit a ballet-supply store; buy a blue leotard and matching skirt, white tights. Look for metallic or white scrunchies for the armbands [or hit a fabric store, go with cording]. Blue knee-socks for the "boots". Helmet would be more complicated; if Sally has any talent with making things out of things, she ought to be able to take a blue baseball cap, trim off the bill and use paper/fabric to cover it and make the wings on the side.

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I'll ask my mom. She would know.

['No, don't ask.']

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There's also a Starfire costume at that might sub in a pinch - to my eyes, it's ghastly, but has the same blue skirted/high boots look as the Nausicaa one. [The "bare" midriff is pink fabric.]

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just remind her to wear panties, cuz nausicaa sure don't.

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also, girl x was kiki from kiki's delivery service when she was 2. that was easy, though, because she's wearing a shapeless black dress (aka daddy's T-shirt).

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28? In the picture, the legs and arms are distinctly different colors. She's not wearing white tights?

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28,30:Real clothes always compromise "the vision"

I've been surrounded by home-drawn anime for about the last 10 years.

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she's wearing tights in that picture, but in the movie when she flies around on her little scooter thing there is a distinctively anime lack of panties, without anything really being disclosed.

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Mom says she's getting her sources together but that they mostly come from Hong Kong.

['So....who's Nausicaa? And why isn't she shown vomiting or something?']

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Max-- If you come up with anything, I am in your and your mom's debt forever. You've got my email? LizardBreath at unfogged dot com.

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's cool. Mom's a loon, so anything to advance the anime faith. She offered to make it if it was for one of my friends (I said she was a loon) - I told her it was one of my pretend Internet friends. She'll probably find something. Just remind me, in case I haven't got back to you in a coupla days.

['I have yours and mine works fine.']

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