Re: Off With His Head!


More deadlier.

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Let's take this OT immediately. For a piece I'm working on, I just read a short snippet of Leo Katz's Ill-Gotten Gains and a portion of a review of same. The book looks fascinating, and possibly even correct. Has anyone read it?

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I think Becks is threatening to bite my head off.

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You know what has to happen first.

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Oh, right. The males are so possessive that they'll die just to make sure no one else fucks the females, and yet it's the females that get blamed for being cannibalistic. Mm-hm. I see how it is.

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What does it say about the sort of girls I date that I forwarded this to my two sweeties more or less immediately?

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Don't click on 1, if you don't feel like installing "errorsafe".

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Does everyone not already have a copy of Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation? (Although reading this may have contributed to the parlous state of my love life.)

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So if I clicked on 1, what do I do now?

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Eat me.

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NBarnes: Didn't you say earlier that both your girlfriends were a little autistic? So what's up with you having two slightly autistic girlfriends that you forward bug sex articles to?

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I'm with helpy-chalk: dish.

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also, what the heck kind of name is helpy-chalk, anyway? I imagine a nun who's up at the blackboard and a little guy running around after her with a box of new, unbroken sticks of chalk. helpfully.

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what the heck kind of name is helpy-chalk

His blog says "Big Monkey, Helpy Chalk" if that helps.

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(Oh, and it specifies that the phrase was uttered by his young daughter.)

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Heh. I read this on the plane from Atlanta to Raleigh. This might be the first time I've actually read something in the physical NYT before reading about it online.

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a bit depressing that the NYT front-page teaser tried to present this as something evolutionary theory can't cope with.

When actually it is pretty much grist for the mill, so far as evolution goes.

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