Re: So Confused


Is this why you're always telling people not to date Iranian men?

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How much of it is wanting the other person to behave like a good Iranian, and how much of it is simply picking up the nearest available cudgel to bludgeon with which to bludgeon your opponent?

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Anyone know the meaning and origin of chert-o-pert? It sounds like something I'd like to incorporate into my vocabulary, but I looked it up in the OED and found nothing.

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I'm assuming it's Farsi. All the google hits are Iranian sites.

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This is pretty good.

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And she also complained about how hairy you are.

At least she didn't say anything about your tiny cock.

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I looked it up in the OED and found nothing

Awesome. "Chert-o-pert" is transliterated Farsi. "Chert" means "nonsense," "o" is the conversational "and", and "pert" either also means "nonsense" or is a nonsense syllable (I'm not sure). So "chert o pert" is most like "stuff and nonsense" or "gobbledygook," and basically means "bullshit."

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getting drunk every other night, sleeping with every girl in town & get A FREAKIN' JOB

Ogged, did you explain to her that you're only not working right now because of the cancer thing? Also, she seems quite enraged by your Swedish lady, perhaps she didn't believe the "swimming lessons" story.

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There are more Swedes where that came from!

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On the plus side, you've broken the mysterious hold that Iranian women had on me.

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I'm glad someone brought up the Swedish thing. I was going to but decided against it.

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Huh. So Iranians also have nice guys type 1 and 2.

It's international, I'm telling you.

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I swear I'm not blonde.

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At the middle-eastern place in my neighborhood where I used to eat quite a bit, the Arab woman at the register asked me one day what became of my "blonde" girlfriend? We finally determined that she meant my ex, who isn't blonde, but who is white, which is what she meant by "blonde."

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A friend in high school once described me as blonde, and when I stared at her as if she had two heads (given that I have dark brown hair) she said "You know, New York blonde. You wouldn't be blonde in California." God alone knows what she meant.

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Did you catch that the author of this article is all of 18 years old? I don't think you're allowed to be that cynical about guys until you're at least in your 20s.

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No one reads the posts, do they?

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Sorry, ALL OF THOSE CAPITAL LETTERS distracted me away from the word "teenaged".

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I do, as sure as the Americas are home to the great blue heroin.

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15: Not sure I understand the NY/CA distinction either, but there was this recent article about the "New York Blonde."

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Seems a reasonable distinction. In Lebanon, I'm blond. When I visited Denmark, not so much. I mean, who needs to make a distinction between various not-black shades of hair color when they pretty much all come out of a bottle anyway?

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Dear Clancy and the New York Times, I would like six minutes of my life back, or, in the alternative, restitution of $5, corresponding to my $50-an-hour rate.


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You know, one of the reasons I dyed my hair dark red for so many years is that I got sick of everyone being fucking blond.

Not sure what I'll do in Cali. I stopped dying my hair about a year ago out of sloth, and the sun bleaches the color out pretty fast anyway. Maybe I'll cut it all off. Or maybe, re. the article, I'll just *be* tacky.

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Actually, I thought that New York Blonde article was ok. It's going to help me explain a couple of things to my honey, not least of which is why I fixated on hair as a reason to be intimidated by his very ash-blonde mother.

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That article would have been ok if they cut out about five sixths of it.

Come on,

This polished, pedigreed creature can usually be spotted in her natural habitat, the Upper East Side, dropping off her offspring at the Episcopal School, scrutinizing embroidered 480-thread-count sheets at Pratesi and sipping drinks at La Goulue.


Break me a fucking vomit. The general point, much more succinctly stated, is "Being blonde is a status symbol, one that women pay hundreds of dollars a month for, and obsessively fly their hairdressers out to Aspen or whateverthefuck."

Any news article that refers to women as "creatures" and describes them in drippingly admiring, exotic-conjuring prose (replete with Brand Names!) is bound to be a waste of space.

The thing is, she's trying to make a point about how important hair is in NYC society, but she's not a trustworthy narrator because she's clearly all fucking giddy over Carolyn Bessette Kennedy or whatever.

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Fair enough. I may have let my eyes glaze over at the proper nouns and certainly wasn't reading for the salon tips.

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his very ash-blonde mother

Isn't he from Iran? That's a good reason to be intimidated, then.

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Jackmormon, check your email.

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So checked, Weman!

leblanc, yes. Though there does seem to be some variation in Iranian hair color; my honey's hair is black, but his brother has naturally blonder hair than I do. ("Natural" doesn't apply to his mother's hair, not in any way whatsoever; she's pretty posh.)

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When I first came out to CA, I had long medium-brown hair. I promptly hacked it short and went platinum. My East Coast friends would have recognised this as merely another permutation, as I changed hair colour on a regular basis. I soon discovered that those who didn't know me assumed I was completely dim. I remember sitting on a couch at a party where two people were talking, swearing each other to secrecy - and letting me overhear the Big Secret.

But then, that's how Judy Holiday got the HUAC to think she knew nothing about Hollywood & the Red Menace.

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