Re: There Is Only One Meaning


Glenn's really just mad b/c he wishes it weren't so. "Clean-shaven with a big tie is REALLY COOL, GODDAMIT!!"

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Post ~wordy.

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instead of "really cool" that should probably be "the height of cool" since surely what's bugging Reynolds is the idea that the cool kids could consider anything cooler than the conservative lawyer/republican look.

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There's gonna be a war. There is gonna be a war with Iran. A War with Iran and a lot of Americans are gonna die and the economy tank and the world will hate us.

MY oughta think over what he says. The "Democratic Leadership" does.

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Thanks, Ogged; that's one sweet thread MY has going on.

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Also, does he wear anything under those open-necked shirts? I hate going without the undershirt, but I don't like the white gleam of the hanes peeking out from under the open neck.

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Go without the undershirt, FL. You don't need it. The truth will set you free.

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get yourself some wife-beaters

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You could wear a v-neck t-shirt.

Did anyone else notice someone not from around here dropping the term Saiselgy in that thread? I would have been interested in the falafel discussion that got interrupted.

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text, that's haram, and I will now saw off your head. It feels gross and unclean to go dress-shirt only.

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you mean, it feels sexy? yes it does.

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Ogged, if you sit around reading Insty you're just going to give yourself cancer in all your other waste-removal organs, too.

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Really, FL, undershirts are for SAEs at southern universities, and more largely, men who take more showers than is healthful.

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Self-addressed envelopes?

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I like that clean, fresh feeling, text. Also I don't want the chest hair involved, you know?

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But Hugo Chavez is right; George Bush is the Devil. "George" has six letters and "Satan" has five, so if we just leave off one letter...

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I see you've done good work in that thread yourself, Labs.

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Serious Adverse Events?

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Ogged, I was going to cross-post it here if no one noticed. Did you see this?

I never thought you were worth reading Yglesias because you were just a punk kid with little life experience giving out opinions. Looks like I've been right.

I think Dennis Farina should say that on the next Law & Order.

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I don't get it. I've worn undershirts, and on other occasions I have worn shirts -- are you suggesting I ought to have worn both of them at once? Seems like a bit much.

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God, Insty has the best readers. He should totally open comments, especially now that we don't have Fafblog.

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There are two items of clothing that strike me as having been foisted on an unsuspecting populace by sadistic haberdashers and lingerie shops: The tie and pantyhose. What's with this slavery to items that were clearly intended to be used only if the fan belt on one's car broke on a deserted road at 2am?? [Or as a garrotte, but I'm full of the Yoplait of human kindness right now and wouldn't want to suggest anything else than could be banned on an airplane.]

T-shirts, otoh, can be used to bundle up tiny, shivering kittens; there is nothing more manly than stripping down in the name of felinatarianism. And silken petticoats can be torn into strips to bind the bloody wounds of manly men who have been savaged by said tiny shivering kittens' tiny shivs of claws.

[Aha! Claws sounds like Claus; ergo, kittens = Satan]

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ogged, please tell me you were being sarcastic, and not actually praising that legion of humorless twits.

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I have always maintained that kittens = sanity.

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OK, Instant Pundit updates:

UPDATE: Apparently, the smart pills are in short supply. And yes, I realize that Yglesias was goofing, as was I. These people, alas, seem to be entirely serious.

He's so dry.

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Speaking of undergarments, today a large package of high-end, fashionable womens underwear that was intended for some boutique or whatever in Antwerp was instead delivered from Italy to--our offices! Hilarity ensued.

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This probably won't surprise anyone, but I haven't worn a tie in 20+ years, and probably not more than 10x in 40 years. The Mennonites are right about that one, at lease.

I only go to the lower-tier funerals any more. The really classy funerals won't let me in. (I don't go to any weddings at all, of course).

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Insty was kidding.

(I'm 42% serious about this comment.)

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ogged, please tell me you were being sarcastic, and not actually praising that legion of humorless twits.

Do you remember when we used to be friends, Standpipe?

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Structure of purported joke: Yglesias is teh stupid. [Pause] Not!

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I wear undershirts with my dress shirts to work, and do not wear ties with them, thus display that little V of white (or black, depending on the dress shirt) at the neck. FL is right, it's all about the chest hair. I have zero desire to look like I've stumbled out of the bar after losing my big, gold chains.

However, I kind of think the neckline of the t-shirt is cute in a sloppy-prep kind of way. I should just go ahead and register Republican, shouldn't I?

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ogged, it was pretending-not-to-get-humor humor, making fun of the people at Yglesias' who don't get humor.

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"I have zero desire to look like I've stumbled out of the bar after losing my big, gold chains."

But how am I supposed to look? And has anyone seen my big, gold chains?

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Do you remember when we used to be friends, Standpipe?

Come on, now, Sugar…

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Chesthair that peeks out of shirts is nasty.

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Do you guys all have chest hair starting above the neck? I'm not saying, leave the top four buttons undone.

Either there's a hairy neck issue going on, or you should consider a smaller shirt size.

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Come on, now, Sugar…

Yay! Still friends!

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standpipe, I don't get your pretending-not-to-get-ogged's-humor humor. Can you post an explanation at your blog?

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Glenn Reynolds is guestposting at SB's blog this week, Weiner.

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For the, like, two of you who don't read my blog, 23 parodies this comment left during the instalanche.

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36: Tsk. I hate buttoning the top two buttons of a shirt. It makes me feel stuffy. Besides, I'm a networking guy. Professional nerds are expected to be sloppy. If I showed up in slacks, my shirt tucked in, my buttons buttoned, my boss would assume I just came from an interview with a better company.

Also, my neck is made of hair - I keep a spare house key and my loose change in its luxurious folds - but that's beside the point.

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Ugh, links to Matt's comments don't work. It's the one that begins, "I see Matt reads his comments."

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Chesthair that peeks out of shirts is nasty.

Cala likes 13-year-old boys and men who button their shirts all the way up.

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Glenn Reynolds is guestposting at SB's blog this week, Weiner.

It was the best I could do on short notice.

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The top button, of course, must remain undone, unless you are falsely confessing to an infamous child murder.

I often leave the second button undone as well, and risk showing a bit of flaxen chest hair. But I look British, and will continue to get away with it.

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It's not just visible chest hair, it's chest hair that peeks and looks wild enough that it might decide to undo the buttons by itself.

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Chesthair that peeks out of shirts is nasty.

Soon Cala will be telling us that bombing any Middle Eastern country is probably a good idea.

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Come now. If it comes to bloodshed, it will be their own fault for not allowing U.N. cosmetologists to bring wax into the country.

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I find it hard to believe that anyone wears dress shirts sans undershirt (other than to a nightclub). I see it with my own two eyes every day, but the thought of doing it myself gives me the willies. As far as I'm concerned it is completely unsanitary (metaphorically speaking). You might as well drop the underwear and the socks while you're at it.

There is nothing incorrect or unfashionable about the top of your undershirt peeking out from your unbuttoned shirt collar. ESPECIALLY if the alternative is for chest hair to peek out.

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34: More Veronica Mars, yay!

As I am blessed with a hairless upper chest, I generally wear no undershirt when going for a more formal look, and an undershirt when I'm in casual mode.

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I find it hard to believe that anyone wears dress shirts sans undershirt (other than to a nightclub).

Again, interesting to me. I didn't know that anyone other than recent immigrants still wore undershirts. Life in these United States, huh?

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"You might as well drop the underwear and the socks while you're at it."

Well, yes, depending on the weather.

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It's not just visible chest hair, it's chest hair that peeks and looks wild enough that it might decide to undo the buttons by itself.

Cala sounds just like my wife. Fortunately I have virtually no hair on my torso.

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There is nothing incorrect or unfashionable about the top of your undershirt peeking out from your unbuttoned shirt collar. ESPECIALLY if the alternative is for chest hair to peek out.

I really kinda hate the visible undershirt. Don't they make V-necks, to avoid the whole problem? And I don't mind a discreet amount of visible chest hair, as long as it's not a freakish amount of it, in which case the undershirt isn't hiding it.

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Those "men" who hate on chest hair just aren't man enough to grow any.

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but I'm full of the Yoplait of human kindness right now

"Yoplait of human kindness" might be even better than "pizazz".

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The problem with the undershirt is that, while it might protect your overshirt from sweat, the extra layer means you sweat more, so it's probably a wash in the end, except you've sweated more, and sweating sucks.

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ben speaks truth. also, it feels confining and signals shame of body.

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the extra layer means you sweat more,

I'm not at all sure this is true. And when you do sweat, it's not visible to the whole world because the undershirt absorbs it. Pools of wet in the underarms are not sexy. Especially when combined with sweaty chest hairs, poking out of your collar.

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55 gets it right, but not exactly right, since " 'men' " should be "women and 'men' ".

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I wear undershirts for warmth and for no other reason. I've just started this past week for the first time since April. I don't like them to show.

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Some of us work in air conditioned offices and aren't freakishly sweaty, Brock.

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55 doesn't get it right. I have chest hair enough to suffocate a small child. It's just not sanitary to go without an undershirt. Unless I wanted to wash my shirts after each and every wearing.

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Shave those armpits for less sweatiness.

Sweaty chest with a button down shirt? Are you on safari or something?

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I haven't seen one of these troll attacks in years.

And the comments around 40 have me seriously confused.

And I have chest hair that sticks out of my t-shirt. My dad had back hair you could comb.

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Hmm. I do wash my shirts after each and every wearing.

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I'm not at all sure this is true. And when you do sweat, it's not visible to the whole world because the undershirt absorbs it.

That all depends on how sweaty you are.

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I ride the subway, which is rather like a sauna in the summer. And I have a long walk outdoors to and from. I'd be fine in the ac all day, but I'd be a mess by the time I got there.

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67- okay ben, it's true that if you sweat like a gorilla perhaps not even your undershirt can contain it. But that only exacerbates the undershirtless problem, no?

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65: to clear up that confusion, I refer you to standpipe's blog.

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Just how much do you sweat, Ben?

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Wearing an undershirt, even an undershirt that shows at the top of the dress shirt, is vastly preferable to wearing sweat stains. Nothing, nothing is grosser.

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Brock, you're in NY? I hadn't realized.

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it feels confining and signals shame of body.

And that's why it's obligatory.

I laughed at this comment on Matt's thread before I saw who wrote it. Say what you like about Jim Rome, but that thing where people send in emails signed by other people or abstract concepts-- a laff riot.

Dear Instapundit readers,

Please get Glenn to open comments at his site, so we can join together every day for merriment.


The Very Image of The Left Today

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I'm off to the gym, the one place it's ok to sweat, but I did want to say, yes, visible sweat on dress shirts is gross. Yet again, Armsmasher gets it right. Still, the exposed undershirt is bad. Solution: switch to v-neck + wax.

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Link from InstaPundit = big traffic. Honestly, I don't care about the context.

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73- no, Boston, why?

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As long as they spell my name backwards...

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Don't normal people call the Boston mass transit the 'T'? I can't think of another American city where it's 'the subway' -- SF has BART, Chicago has the El, Boston has the T... where else is there?

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If undershirts are to keep sweat from staining your shirt, why do they have such baggy arm holes?

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DC has the metro, but I think Los Angeles's metro is sometimes called the "subway" no?

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and why do they develop holes in the armpit so easily?

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79- I suppose you're right, most normal people do call it the T. But that's a stupid fucking thing to call it, so I don't (when I can help it).

Perhaps I should mention that I'm actually a 13-year-old girl in rural Oklahoma. Middle-school! Woot!! All those other details of my life are part of an elaborate fantasy, in which I am older and sophisticateder and male.

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Atlanta has MARTA, which I think they call MARTA.

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I've never once had someone in Boston fail to understand what I meant when I said something about the "subway."

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I don't sweat very much unless I am wearing an even slightly dressy shirt.

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My wife, a life-long Chicagoan, calls it the subway to differentiate it from other lines on the same system that are above ground. Downtown, red line = subway.

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The DC Metro is not infrequently called the subway, at least by me.

In regards to button-down shirts, in casual contexts I will wear them with something closer to a regular t-shirt in lieu of an undershirt, leaving the top two buttons undone. The button-down is more of an overshirt for me. When actually dressed up (tie, etc.) I wear an undershirt, as otherwise I become a sweaty mess.

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I don't sweat much unless I see ben in an even slightly dressy shirt, but then OMG!!! I have to start fanning myself.

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SON OF A BITCH! that came out wrong.

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90: Coming out is never easy, Brock.

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Muni is to El as BART is to Metra.


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FL's comment over there wins the thread.

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Brock is completely correct about undershirts and dress shirts, and the rest of you should stop embarrassing yourselves by disagreeing with him.

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I never wear undershirts with dress shirts. Or at all, actually.

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And I am not getting "sweat stains"? Do we actually mean wet spots? Are you kidding, wet shirts are gross? In Dallas, I usually go thru 5 shirts a day.

And I am glad Saisegly showed up to unconfuse me. Now I am just insulted, which is what I come here for.

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One interesting thing about that thread is that Al correctly guesses the reason MY consistently misspells Ahmadinejad's first name.

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Mmmm, falafel.

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63: a) Nair; b) Why wouldn't you wash a shirt directly after wearing it?

79: And in LA, we call it the "hasn't been built yet because of all those nasty pockets of methane gas and even those parts that are built are overcrowded and driven by people who escaped from Napa State, but that's OK because we all have cars except the poor people and kids trying to get to school." Besides, the Red Line clearly belongs to Satan.

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No, more interestingly is that I got falafel from that place today, before having opened that comment thread.

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I just find it strange that someone could confuse those two names, which actually sound quite different (in Arabic, at least; I don't know about Farsi).

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I'm assuming Saiselgy doesn't speak either of those languages, though. Also, not that his homophone mixups always actually sound alike.

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True, but they usually do.

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b) Why wouldn't you wash a shirt directly after wearing it?

b/c washing wears out clothes.

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You mean people actually wear undershirts so they don't have to wash their dress shirts? I guess that would be a reason to do it.

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94 is good, but in the interest of fairness "undershirts and dress shirts" s/b "everything he says".

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102 -- are you calling our Sausagely a homophobe?

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I am wearing a dress shirt with no undershirt right now.

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And let me guess: you're not getting sexed up.

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