Re: Unscripted


I can't believe that no one in the audience started laughing by the end of it.

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Jesus, his nuts? Now there's an argument against capping malpractice awards.

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I'm not sure i've ever felt two contrasting emotions so strongly at the same time before.

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Congrats to Pharyngula for being the second result in a Google search for "prosthetic testicles"

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Has anyone verified the "setup"? is known for being somewhat less than rigorous in its factchecking.

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Not that this poor bastard cares anymore, but we interrupt this thread for this Neuticle Newsflash: Melissa Theuriau is teh hottest.

This offtopic post has been brought to you by Neuticles - Because they can - again.

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Yeah, this is a little too close to a Ricky Gervais setup to unskeptically accept as real. Any Nederlanders out there who can verify?

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It's not Dutch. It's Flemish and it's a humorous sketch from a TV program called "In de Gloria".
The whole thing can be viewed here. The actor playing the victim is Lucas Van den Eynde. Very funny stuff.

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Damn! Thanks, Y.

I'm a total sucker, because I even had a flicker of "wouldn't your voice only be high if they castrated you before puberty?" but ignored it for more awesome.

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Now that this is revealed to be not real, an off-topic remark: This "The Spine" thing at TNR is working great for helping us avoid things that, if we read them, would cause our heads to explode from a surfeit of fatuous conventionalwisdomery.

The last two times I've gone to their website the link to "The Spine" has said the following two things:

"THE SPINE - by Marty Peretz: Can the French take a joke?"

"THE SPINE - by Marty Peretz: The culture wars spread to Germany"

Now those are two posts that I think we can all picture with 99% accuracy in our minds.

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Marty says,

Let me assure you though that I am not a Francophobe. It is true that for a few years in recent times I have not bought French wines. But I did drink the ones I had in my cellar.

He's kidding, right?

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Ogged, the TNR specifically gave you the option not to read a blog post by Marty Peretz entitled "Can the French take a joke?". Why on earth would you decline that opportunity?

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Because you tempted me.

(I will say that he mostly took back his truly stupid post on Obama, so he's not in Lee Siegel territory yet.)

(No, of course I haven't been reading it.)

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6: Which is more cruel, neutering or offering a Melissa Theuriau link without a photo?

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best put a comma after 'neutering'

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Two patients are recovering in a hospital room.

Patient 1: So, what'd you have done?
Patient 2: Castration. You?
Patient 1: Circumcision.
Patient 2: Dammit! THAT'S the word!

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Sorry. They are hard to come by.

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In vaguely related injury news, this looks pretty painful.

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Hmm... let's try again: this.

Honestly, my foot hurts just looking at it.

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Ah! Some sweet Angel of Mercy came and fixed 18. 19 is now extraneous. I owe you, whoever just helped me. I owe you big time.

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No need for thanks -- I just hate looking at malformed links, and I have the power to edit.

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Ay! St. Servatus, pray for us.

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