Re: We're All Newsweeks Now


And you expected....?

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I did write "most important," didn't I?

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In my defense, I'd already seen the first two linked pages, and I clicked on the third only because I didn't know who Emma Watson and Hermione were. (are?)

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If I chose not to click, have I still made a choice?

#3 Liar.

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And in my defense, I was thinking, "whoa, she's already picked up a coke habit?"

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Seriously, who ever perved on Duncan Black?

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In my defense, I thought you were linking to SdB-scripted Hermione anime.

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I also, like jesus McQueen, had already seen the multiple-newsweek-cover thing.

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Mrs. Black?

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Count me among the Hermione-linkers who had seen the other stories already.

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I was going to say the same thing as #3, except I know who the actress and character are, I just wanted new pictures to perv on.

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6. Um. Yeah.

And in light of a Screech Dirty Sanchez, you still ask questions and assume boundaries?

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Seriously, who ever perved on Duncan Black?

You mean, besides Brendan Nyhan?

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How can you tell what people have clicked on? I think you're making it up.

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Whatever, I'm just a perv. I'm going to click on Hermione first just about any chance I'm given.

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Ok, I'll bite. I didn't click the Hermione link. I haven't seen the movies or read the books, so I'm Hermione-neutral.

Second, while I think that age-of-consent laws varying from 12 to 18 are a very peculiar phenomenon indeed, considering the severity of the crime if there is one, I do not actually perv on little girls. (Nor farm animals either. I just think that pig-fucking is a sophisticated, transgressive, cutting-edge conversational topic.)

That said, I just now went to Google image to look up Hermione/Emma, and some of those pictures do indeed seem a bit provocative / nymphettish.

Is this where all the jokes come from, or am I imagining things?

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4: Even more bizarre, I didn't know anything about Emma Watson or Hermione, but I know about norbizness -- I've even visited his site. Now how fucked up is that?

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Neil, we use mybloglog.

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3, 8: I already read the other information and mistook the Hermione mentioned for Hermione Norris. As it involves a television series, I guess it still counts.

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Ah, I see that now. How evil.

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For example, here

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Well, she is 16.

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So in some states it's legal to look at her in an intentional way; in others, you have to wait two years.

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Atrios was already covered on Eschaton, and Newsweek was already covered on Wonkette and Passport.

Unfogged is where I go for all Harry Potter-related links, all the time.

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To perv or not to perv: that is the question
Whether 'tis nobler on the blog to suffer
The pings and updates of outraged scribblers,
Or take up bits against Newsweek's covers,
And by exposing rend them? To pry; to gaze;
No more; and by a peep to say we join
The longing and the thousand other things
That flesh gives rise to, 'tis a consummation
No doubt often wish'd. To lie, to boink;
To bone: perchance to bed: ay, there one rubs;
For in that little death what scenes we see
When we have shuffled off our meager clothes,
Must give us pause; there's the codex
That makes calamity of so young girl;
For who would bare her bits and other parts,
With oppressive gaze, the born male's privelige,
The pangs of too-youthful love, the law's firm hand,
The insolence of officers duly charged
To hold up the maid's most wholesome state,
When he himself might his respite take
With a bare bodkin? Who would Farbers bear
That claim this too he long since wrote
But that the dread of something outside blogs,
That undiscover'd country from whose coast
No packet return, puzzles Unfogged
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than click to others that we know not of?
Thus doth trackbacks make cowards of us all;
And thus the native software resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale meatloaf lunch
And comments of great pith and moments
With this regard their moments fail to click
And return 404, page not found. Soft you now!
The fair Hermione! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all our sins remembered.

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You misspelled "privilege."

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Did we ever really nail down the rules on acceptable perving? Or even what we meaning by "perving"? If a woman is over the age of consent (min. 18) and below the .5*age+ 7 bar, is it perving?

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I don't think it should be considered "perving" unless the act would actually be deviant, by which I mean illegal.

If the woman is 30 and the man is 70, shouldn't the woman decide if it's perving or not? Not us.

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If the woman is 30 and the man is 70, shouldn't the woman decide if it's perving or not? Not us.

What fun would that be? We make the rules. And yes this is definitely perving.

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Well, Doug, it was the job of the later commenters to tell you that 26 was really funny, but they're off on a tangent. "Ay, there one rubs" totally cracked me up.

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If the woman is 30 and the man is 70, shouldn't the woman decide if it's perving or not? Not us.

Hmm. If we're setting societal standards, I'm not sure why we can't do it. But that doesn't necessarily strike me as perving--the guy's too old and (I assume) ineffectual. Maybe there's a Churchill rule that establishes some sort of upper boundary for men to be considered under the rule.

The nice thing about allowing for perving that's not illegal is that we could couple "acceptable perving" to the age of consent. Emerson's picture is mildly disturbing; 16 year-olds shouldn't be on camera (or at least in widely-published pictures) looking knowing.

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I originally skipped 26 because it was too long and I often don't read long comments. But with ogged's endorsement I went back and read it, and concur that it's a very impressive work. Bravo.

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Who would Farbers bear
That claim this too he long since wrote

Very nice.

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Or rather, not nice, but funny.

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Emerson's picture is mildly disturbing; 16 year-olds shouldn't be on camera (or at least in widely-published pictures) looking knowing.

Here, be disturbed all over again. It would be irresponsible not to perv on Emma Watson.

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She's got a real Traci Lords thing going on. I dig it.

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That picture makes me think this.

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The picture I posted could be a 16-y-o girl looking boldly at a 16-y-o boy, in which case it's innocent though sexy. Or it could be a 16-y-o looking non-sexually at a friends or a member of her own family, in a joking or teasing way. But blowing it up and broadcasting it seems pervy.

She gives me the impression, based on the interview, that she's fairly well on top of her life, though she probably doesn't completely realize how crazy she makes people, from no fault od her own.

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After visiting Weiner's thread, I'd like to point out that the miracle of photography makes it possible to perv on your own late grandmother. There's gotta be a journal article in their somewhere.

And yes, both my grandmothers were hott, and one of them absolutely knew it. Though they unfortunately dressed modestly.

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31, 33, 34: Many thanks! (Too jet-lagged to be cleverer...)

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