Re: From the Inside


We love the apostropher. He is so smart. Of course, the rest of the red state notwithstanding, he comes from North Carolina, so it's not really so surprising.

horizontal rule

I agree with both of you... if we move to the right, there won't be a left anymore. That's why, as I've been arguing at The Poor Man, we have to "unite the left" as it were. I'm trying to get started on a new blog to detail my ideas for exactly how to go about doing so. If you want to have a look, my introductory post is here and I have a more detailed explanation here. I'm not trying to link-whore... I'd just like you to take a look and see what you think of my ideas, and if you like them but don't ever want to visit my site again, that's fine. The point is to get people thinking about new ways to counter the right.

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