Re: Squick


The fact that we're so grossed out by meat proves that humans were meant to be vegetarians.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 7:34 AM
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On the veldt meat was invisible.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 7:36 AM
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Also, we originated on a planet with 26-hour days.

Using different parts of the meat isn't a problem for me. The "pink slime" controversy was weird. Using real meat cuts and soaking them in ammonia is just as bad.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 7:37 AM
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(Looking at the article) wait, why are those pictures gross?

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 7:37 AM
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"We've brainwashed our kids so brilliantly," Oliver said, "that even though they know something is disgusting and gross, they'll still eat it if it's in that friendly little shape."

What's happening is that Oliver & Co. are trying to brainwash kids to be grossed out by chicken nuggets.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 7:38 AM
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I guess as somebody who gets Pho with tendon and tripe and whathaveyou all the time I might not be the target audience.

Oh also I ate chicken bones as a kid.

Oh, wait! Maybe I'm gross!

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 7:38 AM
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It's a meat process.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 7:40 AM
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The article says that mcnuggets tested at more than 50% fat content, that's the problem. Also, tendon and tripe is not IMO a problem.

Alluded to but not stated is the question of sanitation standards in maintaining the machines doing the chicken shredding and the bone scraping, let alone the morbidity of illness among overcrowded birds. Say 1 chicken per 1000 is sick or is disemboweled in a way that leaves salmonella contamination on its insides. 99% of eaters of whole chickens or of chickens cut up right before cooking them will be fine. Add grinding and mixing at the slaughterhouse rather than at the kitchen and now bugs from 1 sick or mangled bird get sprayed everywhere.

Posted by: lw | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 7:47 AM
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When Greatwinter came and the starving began, the people rose as one to beatify those who had kept meat available to all, while the New Non-Aligned Movement ostracized waster-butchers and anti-meat journalists.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 7:56 AM
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The article's been commented on here:

Posted by: Dave W. | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 8:16 AM
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10 is good.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 8:18 AM
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To nobody's surprise, I'm with Tweety. This would only strike me as gross if I already found eating animals in any form to be gross.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 8:29 AM
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You know what looks weird if you look at it under a microscope? Your face.

Posted by: Robert Halford | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 8:31 AM
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Is there a "You're racist" angle to this?

Posted by: Flippanter | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 8:32 AM
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The article says that mcnuggets tested at more than 50% fat content, that's the problem. Also, tendon and tripe is not IMO a problem.

What's wrong with fat?

Posted by: teraz kurwa my | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 8:52 AM
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I guess the only thing that bothers me about this is that I'd want chicken nuggets to be labeled as sausage -- not meat in the sense of muscle tissue, but a mixture of scraps, offal, and non-meat. Not that it sounds much worse than sausage, but people should know what they're eating.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 8:54 AM
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The offal is pretty incidental -- even in this article, they didn't find much. They're just really fatty.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 8:56 AM
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Also, plenty of things made from miscellaneous parts aren't labeled "sausage".

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 8:57 AM
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Call it something else, then, like cheese food. Or that stuff my dad used to put on crackers back when you could still get the black-on-white generic food that was labeled "POTTED MEAT FOOD PRODUCT".

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 8:59 AM
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At least we can agree that the presence of skeletal muscle in meat should not be a concern.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 9:02 AM
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We've already got the word that means what you want, LB - "nuggets" already has that connotation.

Posted by: Nathan Williams | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 9:08 AM
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plenty of things made from miscellaneous parts aren't labeled "sausage".

Anybody else watching the new season of American Horror Story?

[pause] Recommendations on point-and-click cameras for under $300? The last drop to the brick floor appears to have finally put our long-suffering Canon out of commission. [play]

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 9:10 AM
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plenty of things made from miscellaneous parts aren't labeled "sausage".

I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.

Posted by: Opinionated Chicken Nugget | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 9:22 AM
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21 gets it right.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 9:25 AM
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Recommendations on point-and-click cameras for under $300?

iPhone 5. I guess maybe not under $300 but close. And damn do I love the camera on this thing.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 9:27 AM
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Yeah, Keegan sure loves his, but I'm looking for one that doesn't come with an additional $100/month fee.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 9:29 AM
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I guess the only thing that bothers me about this is that I'd want chicken nuggets to be labeled as sausage

Or an "Emulsified High-Fat Offal tube."

Posted by: NickS | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 9:33 AM
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Don't activate it. Just use the wifi when it's around. (I suppose then you don't get any price discounts, and it's probably much more expensive.)

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 9:33 AM
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26 to 13

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 9:36 AM
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...back when you could still get the black-on-white generic food that was labeled "POTTED MEAT FOOD PRODUCT".

Ex-wife #1 wanted to give those out for wedding favors.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 9:39 AM
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What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat?


With it an abode of bliss.

Manufactured by George Plumtree, 23 Merchants' quay, Dublin, put up in 4 oz pots, and inserted by Councillor Joseph P. Nannetti, M. P., Rotunda Ward, 19 Hardwicke street, under the obituary notices and anniversaries of deceases. The name on the label is Plumtree. A plumtree in a meatpot, registered trade mark. Beware of imitations. Peatmot. Trumplee. Moutpat. Plamtroo.

Posted by: Irish Freeman's Journal | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 10:56 AM
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This seems like an appropriately-titled thread.
Dear pediatric GI specialist: why am I the one telling you that the children's laxative you recommended, for what you claim is a very common problem, was discontinued six months ago, with no obvious substitute?

*(^&&*)^&* medicine.

Posted by: Nathan Williams | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 10:58 AM
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22. Canon Powershot. I think that the main considerations are interface for adjusting shutter speed, aperture, and triggering autofocus so that you can take a picture right when you want and not a little later. Maybe macro.

The physical size of the ccd was the same (1/1.7) in all point-and-shoots last time I checked, about 18 months ago.

Posted by: lw | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 11:23 AM
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Sigh. Yes. What the hell is wrong with people? Does no one go to farms anymore? Or abattoirs? I mean, just de-fatting/de-boning a piece of relatively lean beef puts you in pretty intimate contact with lots of gross stuff. Didn't people go to the meat counter at the supermarket as children and inspect the sheep brains and cow tongue and what not? That was always a highlight of shopping excursions for me.

Posted by: Natilo Paennim | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 11:24 AM
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I still eat chicken bones in any situation where I think it's marginally socially appropriate. And I really stretch the definition of marginal.

Posted by: Tia | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 12:17 PM
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I thought eating chicken bones was dangerous. Maybe that's just for dogs/

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 12:18 PM
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But, McD's nuggets make me nauseous and I can eat at Arby's without feeling bad.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 12:19 PM
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I offer my dog as evidence that the chicken bone thing is a myth. He has been cleaning the neighborhood of wings and legs his entire life, and the only trouble he has ever had was when he found some still covered in hot sauce.

Posted by: Eggplant | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 12:24 PM
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You don't just keep out a bowl of blue cheese dressing?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 12:25 PM
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In Japan you can buy cartilage-y chicken - nankotsu - and I had it served to me in my homestay. Don't know if they like the taste or if they think it's healthy.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 12:28 PM
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Lactose intolerance does seem to be a thing, unfortunately.

Posted by: Eggplant | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 12:28 PM
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That's kind of a misnomer. It's the explosive shits people won't tolerate.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 12:33 PM
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40 Yeah, yakitori places will sell wiling diners skewers of grilled-- uhh, triangular pieces of cartilage that chickens have abut where a sternum should be.

Brazilians grill rows of chicken hearts.

Posted by: lw | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 12:39 PM
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42 When I was living in Morocco I had a really unpleasant and extended episode of that. It was completely exhausting and I almost couldn't leave the house. The local doctor I went to couldn't figure it out and finally suggested I get more fiber in my diet. The grocery stores didn't carry many US or European goods in pre-GATT days but they did have an abundant supply of Weetabix which I consumed in vast quantities with the local milk which came in these odd shaped containers and was unhomogenized so when you got home with it the cream at the top had a buttery taste to it and it was so fresh you thought you could smell the grass the cow had fed on. Oh boy was that a mistake. But I just figured I needed even more fiber. Rinse (because beyond all help of merely wiping at that point) and repeat for several iterations. Thank god for the friend who almost a month into this horrible ordeal suggested I had developed lactose intolerance.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 12:52 PM
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43: Yes, that part. I imagine it's easier to ignore the cartilage when it's fried.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 1:02 PM
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Does no one go to farms anymore? Or abattoirs?

Prisons? Workhouses? Bah, humbug!

Posted by: Flippanter | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 1:06 PM
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Listen, enablers, lw is right. The chicken and fast-food industries are heavily invested in customers thinking that chicken nuggets are just, you know, nuggets of chicken meat, and you shouldn't let them get away with it.

I haven't exactly indoctrinated my daughters, but I do nothing to discourage their hatred of McDonald's. And it's not just about the disgusting food. I think I shared this at the other place, but we had this conversation a while back in the car:

daughter: When boys get happy meals, they get action figures. Girls get littlest pet shop.
me: Isn't that sexist?
daughter: What's that?
me: [brief explanation]
daughter: OMG that's like Saudi Arabia.

That's right, girls. McDonald's and Saudi Arabia belong in the same category. Thus endeth the lesson.

Posted by: Jesus McQueen | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 1:25 PM
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Sadly, my daughter loves Littlest Pet Shop, and McDonald's. Sharia law can't be far behind.

Posted by: Walt Someguy | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 1:36 PM
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Dunh dunh dunh.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 1:38 PM
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I haven't exactly indoctrinated my daughters, but I do nothing to discourage their hatred of McDonald's.

Rory has been enforcing a hard boycott* ever since she read that Michael Pollan book. When I got home from the ER after breaking my hand this summer, I indulged in a Quarter Pounder and chocolate shake. The withering look of disappointment the next morning when she saw the wrappers... It was withering.

*This was somewhat awkward when UNG was still working for McD's...

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 4:29 PM
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This was somewhat awkward when UNG was still working for McD's...

I'm assuming he wasn't taking orders and working the fryer, but now I can't help but picture him all ugly and naked with one of those stupid paper hats.

Posted by: Jesus McQueen | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 4:46 PM
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And now I am going to go throw up.

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 5:59 PM
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"Hey baby, wanna see my McNuggets?"

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 10-25-13 6:08 PM
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apostropher, I have a Fuji FinePix S4500. It's basically a slightly nicer point and shoot, reasonably inexpensive, and I've been happy with it. Lots of great automatic settings, but one could also use it manually, and iirc Keegan has quite the eye....

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 10-26-13 9:29 PM
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obat penyempitan pembuluh darah
obat rematik
obat syaraf kejepit
obat benjolan di pipi

Posted by: JHon | Link to this comment | 03-27-17 12:48 AM
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