Re: Baseball and Apple Pie


So do the Twins, as I discovered while idly pondering the possibility of going to Minneapolis this summer.

Posted by: Merganser | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:15 PM
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Posted by: ben w-lfs-n | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:19 PM
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And it looks like the all-you-can-eat ticket is only $10-$15 more expensive than the equivalent not-all-you-can-eat ticket, so you only need to eat like two hot dogs to make it worthwhile.

Posted by: ben w-lfs-n | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:20 PM
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A lot of teams do.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:21 PM
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It's a Dirty Shame they don't feature crab cakes.

Posted by: Econolicious | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:23 PM
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Fenway's version of all-you-can-eat.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:31 PM
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This was a sweet play at Camden Yards this week. God, I love Manny. High five!

Posted by: Jesus McQueen | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:34 PM
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6: For the low, low price of $297 per ticket! I like that their drink selection includes "Beer, Wine and Malternatives".

Posted by: Matt F | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:36 PM
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Okay, I should fess up: I've sat in those seats. They're awesome, but it's kind of embarrassing to order anything other than beer and sausage when you're at a ballpark.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:38 PM
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Fess up s/b brag, probably.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:39 PM
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You keep insisting you're not a Boston Brahmin, Tweety, and yet every single bit of evidence says otherwise.

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:41 PM
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I know people who know people. You can only get those seats as season tickets, so they get handed out a lot in a business context.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:44 PM
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Fine, but in my head I'm still calling you "Tweety Winthrop."

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:46 PM
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Now, if they were these seats or these seats, that'd be a different story.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 1:46 PM
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None of his ancestors had Cotton Mather preach their hanging sermon. Tweety is of common immigrant stock and perhaps even Irish.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 2:04 PM
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I know people who know people.

Is that supposed to be evidence against, or what?

Posted by: ben w-lfs-n | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 2:10 PM
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This reminds me--we gotta go to more A's games this summer. So far, only two, although both were opening week. His parents have season tickets and go to spring training in Arizona. Hard core.

I am not a Dodger's fan, but having gone to a fair few games when I was in LA during law school, I miss the Dodger Dog.

Posted by: Belle Lettre | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 2:28 PM
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John, jealousy doesn't become you.

9: I go to way too many ballgames to limit myself. Especially in ballparks (I'm looking at you, Yankee Stadium) without good natural casing dogs. That said, for years I stuck with Primanti hot sausage sandwiches at Three Rivers.

The seats that are comparable (I think) to Sifu's 6 are great because the fancy food is in the lounge underneath - you're not in your seat eating carved roast beef. The only time I sat there, the Pens were in the playoffs; the ushers came around between periods to let people know the score. Schmancy.

Posted by: JRoth | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 2:31 PM
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Ted Kennedy had a couple seizures; is this already known?


Posted by: JRoth | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 2:34 PM
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John isn't jealous, JRoth. He's simply clarifying that he's the only Unfogged commenter whose ancestor fucked Cotton Mather.

Posted by: Ari | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 2:35 PM
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19: I worry because he sponsored a lot of progessive bills recently re labor law, and he's on the labor committee.

Posted by: Belle Lettre | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 3:03 PM
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I take back that part about Tweety possibly being Irish. That was a low blow.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 3:11 PM
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They aren't great riots any more since they stopped doing things like 10 cent beer night. (Although I was at the '99 ALCS mini-riot at Fenway in my NY gear.) All you can eat hot dogs doesn't quite have the same effect.

Posted by: SP | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 3:12 PM
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Hey, I'm going to that game! We're getting the $6 seats with my kid's membership in the "Dugout Club" - somewhere in the vicinity of section 372. I'll be they guy wearing a bunch of Orioles crap and trying to keep a 2 year old entertained.

Posted by: Spike | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 3:16 PM
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Orioles ... have an all you can eat section
Or, as we like to call it here in The City That Reads®, the "Sidney Ponson" section.

Posted by: shpx.ohfu | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 4:27 PM
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The City That ReadsĀ®

Didn't that change with the changing of the gubernatorial guard -- to "The greatest city on earth" or some such? Or was it the other way 'round? These phrases having been painted on bus stop benches, then wiped out and replaced ... but I'm honestly not sure what they say now.

Oh! "Believe"!

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 4:34 PM
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I've read too much to believe much of anything.

Posted by: shpx.ohfu | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 4:46 PM
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shpx: I can't watch that, I'm afraid. I have a slow internet connection. No big deal.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 4:58 PM
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*I* spent my afternoon at the CA Strawberry Festival, getting drunk on frozen strawberry margaritas (lots, b/c they were pretty weak, but if you buy enough....), eating fried food (lumpia!), buying tie-dyed t-shirts, and entering PK in a "strawberry stomp" which was, of course, a hideous waste of delicious strawberries.

Then we bought a flat of strawberries and went home via all the agricultural back roads. So awesome.

Posted by: bitchphd | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 7:45 PM
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Oh, plus we got to see the Budweiser Clydesdales, whose backs are taller than my head.

Posted by: bitchphd | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 7:46 PM
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Is that supposed to be evidence against, or what?

Of course. Otherwise, he would be of the people who are known.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 7:50 PM
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30: shortarse.

Posted by: dsquared | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 7:53 PM
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It just means that she's under six feet tall. Unless you mean that she has a saggy butt.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 7:57 PM
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No, I have saggy boobs. My butt, I'm pleased to say, continues to be incredibly awesome.

Posted by: bitchphd | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 8:03 PM
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Which, you know, of the two.... I mean, bras are kind of standard equipment. Butt slings? Not so much.

Posted by: bitchphd | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 8:06 PM
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The Clydesdale was a specially bred high tech XIXc horse, probably the largest breed ever unless is was some of the other new breeds. Well into the XIXc the most modernized countries had the most horses (except for places like Iceland and Mongolia). Backward countries used oxcarts, camels, etc.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 8:13 PM
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I know people who know people Chet.

Posted by: asl | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 8:18 PM
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Just got back from the Yard. It was a good game, the Orioles beat the Nationals 6-5, and my kid made it through all 9 innings.

But the line for $1 hot dogs was ridiculous.

Posted by: Spike | Link to this comment | 05-17-08 9:51 PM
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But the line for $1 hot dogs was ridiculous.

We got $1 hot dogs on the street outside the stadium on the way in. No line there!

The game was good. The 8th inning, at least. The rest of the game, I was pained by all the dumb mistakes the Nats kept making. Stop dropping ground balls! Don't let the runner steal third! They deserved to narrowly lose.

Posted by: Matt F | Link to this comment | 05-18-08 11:56 AM
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