Have A Laugh
on 11.22.19
🐴 Our @bathrugby preview with @JoeMarler took an unexpected turn...
— Harlequins 🃏 (@Harlequins) November 20, 2019
🏆 Join us for @ChampionsCup rugby at The Stoop on Saturday - tickets and hospitality: https://t.co/KJc7HQb4Yx #COYQ pic.twitter.com/k2B7qAtw72

Guest Post - Schadenfreude
on 11.22.19
Chill writes: Here's an interesting post from LGM (little green men?).
We have seen this guy before (not sure I have the link to the thread right below) when the widespread discussion in the press and blogs wavered between "those Harvard students need to be taught to respect their elder's professional choices" and "this guy is a scumbag." I haven't reread the Unfogged comment thread but iirc the opinions were diverse. The above link seems to tilt things somewhat towards option b, scumbag.
Heebie's take: This guy is a dolt:
It turns out Prof. Sullivan apparently needed that lucrative side gig representing Weinstein in a pretty bad way, because according to our oppressive federal government he owes the IRS at least $1.23 million, which is the amount of the summary judgment entered against him yesterday in U.S. Tax Court.
He lost a lot of money on a 5000+ foot McMansion, and it's not quite clear how he owes so much.
Who knows what's really going on here, but at first glance this story seems to involve some baroque combination of elite impunity and deeply neurotic behavior, which are two things that often go together in the New Gilded Age like peanut butter and jelly.
The post at the link is funny.

Guest Post - minipost
on 11.21.19
Minny Character writes: The future.
They are halal. They have proteins. They have minerals. They can be fried, roasted, smoked and dried. Karachiites have always prided themselves on the taste and variety of their cuisine.(They are locusts.)
Heebie's take: I think locusts sounds worse than grasshoppers. Also we get swarms of crickets pretty yearly. They get inside every building. You'll be in a meeting, and if it's quiet for a moment, you'll get literal crickets.
(Central Texas generally has what I think of as plagues - oh, everything is swarming with caterpillars/Asian Beetles (ie orange ladybugs)/flies/crickets for a month and then it subsides. It's annoying but I've learned to trust that you can't get too worked up, because you can't speed up the decline, but the decline will come.)(We don't have the kinds of swarms of gnats and lovebugs that Florida had, though. Huge clouds. I remember playing soccer and getting gnats in my teeth once or twice.)
Besides that, I've never eaten any of them.
Which places - besides California - don't have to have screens on windows? Does England have screens?

on 11.20.19
I am perpetually on the brink of quitting piano lessons (for the kids) and I have trouble untangling the benefits. (I am very clear on the costs.) Is it actually the kind of thing, like foreign languages or whatever, where learning a musical instrument in a critical childhood window yields big cognitive payoffs? How glad are people if their parents made them learn an instrument in childhood? How much do they regret it if they didn't?
My parents made me practice piano during k-12, and the biggest impact on my life has been that I'm now doing the same thing to my own kids. Am I doing this just so that my kids will force their own kids to do it?
(Our plan has been to make the kids take lessons during k-5, and then hand the reins over to them in 6th grade and say, "You have to do something musical but you're in charge." Rascal is in preK, so this plan would give me 6 more years of this shit.)

Impeachment Hearings
on 11.19.19
Are you guys actually watching any of this? I am having trouble sustaining the kind of election-night bated-breath vigilance that you'd think an impeachment hearing of this magnitude of election-meddling bribery would generate. I blame bed-of-nails phenomenon and just fatigue over the floodgates never actually breaking open, even though this is supposed to be the opening of the floodgates that we've been waiting for.
Anyway, I gather all the key players are saying big things publicly right this very utter week, and we should all re-bate our breath.

on 11.18.19
This, from an impecunious writer who tried to live in the Bay Area, is very, very good, beyond the local particularities he describes so well.

on 11.17.19
I'm going to change the site's domain name registrar today, inshallah, which should be invisible to you, but in case its not, that's what's going on.